
Do you like red wine? I heard that’s it’s a tannin thing. I don’t seem to taste tannins as much as other people, so black coffee and red wine are delightful to me.

I play(ed) on PS4, where characters like Widow and McCree might as well have not been available to me, and characters like Mei and Torbjorn only have one mode of fire that actually does anything. I know your pain.

Right now I’m the DM, so all of my creations are NPCs designed to serve some purpose in the story rather than exist as full characters for me to inhabit. That being said, I’m very fond of Vyerith the Doppelganger, who now goes by the ironic anagram Vherity and is trying to go straight but can’t shake her deceitful,

I am really missing today

Clearly the data tapes are the uncompressed, “master” copies of the plans, and the data chip on the Rebel ship is a compressed zip version of it. The Empire keeps the full on records in the archive for archival reasons, but the Rebels only need the flattened copy.

Someone remind me, when there’s a Symmetra on your team, can everyone see when her turrets are firing on someone, or just her? Everyone is saying she’s not a true support hero bc she doesn’t provide a regular benefit to her own team, but I assumed her sentry turrets are designed to be more sentry than turret. However,

On the other hand, one time I saw our Lucio get hooked and was able to put an ice wall between him and the Roadhog before he reeled in. Saved Lucio’s life. I’d never be able to replicate it again on purpose in a hundred years though.


I saw the headline and thought I was about to get called out, so this is a pleasant surprise

Since you asked, yes. Pretty much exclusively people want to be known by their current name, not their deadname.

No buff to Mercy’s Guardian Angel range or Heal range, though? That’s been making her unplayable for me, not the heal rate or Res timing.

*Pacific Rim theme music*

If Zarya is the gay character, it’s a little “on the nose,”

Friend, you’re talking about America, where Trump is a hero for “telling it like it is.” Impulse control and politesse are considered suspicious and snobby.

FUCK. FUCK NO. FUCK THIS GAME. SHIT. Now this is my nightmares too, god damn it. I really wish there’d been a fucking description BEFORE THE VIDEO dude

Do you want to know why black people seem to live a different experience than other minorities in America? I’ll give you a big hint: they were literally brought to this country as slaves to build this country for white people.

Aw c'mon, no one is making the connection to Ikiru??? Old man gets stomach cancer, realizes he's done nothing with his life, decides to make a difference... they are neck and neck up until the robot explosion part. They even reference the swing part:

you set it up in The Keep and then have it generate an import for you. It syncs with your Origin account and you can start with that file when you start DAI

I just shared the NPR story about this, but I'll do it again.