
Okay, fine, but she really is just a pawn in this.

Texas is a Right-to-Work state. Unionizing is impossible. There's a reason these places are in Austin.

From the article: " My tattoos represent much of the pain and suffering I have endured. They are part of me, just like my scars, my fat, my eternal struggle with gravity. "

USE a turn signal! The idea that people actually use turn signals then fore their way into your lane assumes that they use them at all, and in my part of Texas, they don't. They just barrel on over and expect room to magically appear.

I tried streaming from my Mac to PS3 one time and it was basically unwatchable. 3-4 seconds of video then 20 seconds of buffering. What was I doing wrong?

I've more or less given up on Last Story now that I have Ni no Kuni. That game instantly hooked me, whereas 5 hours into Last Story I still have no idea what I'm doing or why

This was me in Mass Effect 3. Kaidan may be a good fighter, with powers that perfectly complement my squad, but I have no interest in what he has to say during breaks in the battle. Garrus, Shep, and Javik, for every mission <3

Is there any major advantage of getting a hard copy of this game as opposed to just downloading it?


And yet sourdough bread does not bother me at all. Huh.

Every single article on ME3, somebody says this. It's like clockwork.

Well I liked this review, at least.

I would love to see a game set after one of the main Link titles (like Majora's Mask was) where you play as Zelda's young daughter (the new Zelda) accompanied by an older Link. Twilight Princess would have been perfect. Oh well, there's always head fanfic!

I support the John Roderick approach (in this episode Send all middle schoolers to mandatory work camp rebuilding the national park system. They can't learn anything during those years anyway, and everyone, big or small, will be useful

This is at the heart of why victim blaming happens. Dudes think every rape case is basically the play The Crucible, where a lady has nothing to lose by crying rape and letting some innocent boy burn for it. Dudes who victim blamers are TERRIFIED of playing by the rules and then being defenseless against accusations.


It fills out the story I think. The ending is so hand-wavey about what the reapers are and why they do what they do, and I think this fills in some of the blanks, like how From Ashes tells you more about the Protheans. I for one, am interested in learning more about the reapers, but I could just watch the cut scenes

I would donate to this Kickstarter