
What if the firefighter is black?

Just for shits and giggles, post this EXACT SAME THING over on The Root, I BEG of you, lol! The Dark Lord himself, Michael Harriot may even respond!

But let’s be honest...everyone loves breasts!


As do many Latinos, but they are rightfully upset in many circles to be referred to as such.

...and then like idiots you rebuilt in a flood-zone. Meanwhile, far poorer Miss. suffered over $125 billion in losses, yet only you guys complained about how bad you had it. Mind you, over 70% of the deaths in NO were for people 60 and over, and half were 75 or older. But there’s Kanye blaming GWB (didn’t even LIVE

Don’t forget all of the plagiarizing and cheating on his wife!

“It’s a start”

Look at you with your ‘facts and stuff’, we both know that shit won’t fly here!

Bingo, almost identical treatment from police, yet treated FAR BETTER by our government and yet black American somehow thinks they have it the worst. 

Not really true, that infamous “ table” that people always use to prove violent crime stats for whites being higher (despite of course making up 7x the population, but I digress...) actually INCLUDES Hispanics under “white”. Think about that for a minute.


The problem as we’ve seen on your sister site The Root from both their columnists and posters is that BML is a lie, they don’t consider other dark-skinned races like Latinos, Indians, Greeks part of their cause as “people of color” despite BML always using that term. They really only care about African-Americans yet

Her last album was meh, no real “hits” per se.

Go suck some more homeless cock, fagboy.

Go fuck your mother...again.

Where the fuck were you when your homeboy Obama looked the other way while Crimea was invaded by Russia, killing civilians??

...right because storming the embassy only weeks earlier had everything to do with the impeachment and not this guy ordering it to happen.

Well, we can’t depend on you dipshits who don’t even have the balls to serve (lowest percentage by race):

So she got even heavier and her forehead grew...hooray.