

Big lip service.

“It was hurting my brand and I was losing money so I penned a fake apology”

What a farce of a holiday and it’s “wonderful” founder:

“...The authorities believed that the teenager’s family was shielding him until a mark on his hand healed, an official briefed on the case said. The official described the mark as consistent with a bite.”

Tacky, hood rich house.

LOL, “pure happiness and joy” do realize that he’s already cheated on her right, dummy?!

It’s the one place in the house where we don’t have to tolerate your tacky designer bullshit while carrying the mortgage for your lazy asses. Don’t worry though, after the inevitable divorce you’ll somehow get to keep said house free of charge and full custody “because US judges” and you can do whatever the fuck you

I get your point but it still doesn’t matter, the Model X P100d weighs an addl. 400lbs more yet gets almost 330 mi. of range and a 0-60 of 2.7s while being far less aerodynamic and seating 7 people for $50k less.

Not sure why you’d think that, if you compare the top model Cybertruck to the RT1 it beats it in almost every category:

Lol, these things won’t be going off road the same way Land Rovers don’t, this thing STARTS at $70k base, you honestly think someone is going to risk driving an EV out in the sticks without the access to chargers? At least with ICE trucks you can bring/transport fuel for your “toys”. Rivian may market themselves as

This will get used as much as the Model X’s Christmas mode. Rivian brings nothing to the table that the planned Ford F-series EVs won’t beyond a lack of name recognition, experience building and selling vehicles, nor the financial backing. Will they sell? Sure, but imo they will be like Range Rover, catering to a

Ape Out is literally modern day Chicago.

This cow is played out.

LOL, because there are TONS of black women born with blond and red hair, right?

Trust me, no one WANTS to be black, why emulate a race with poor education, high violent crime and STDs, little respect for women and who’s heroes are “athletes”??!

...because no one honestly likes black people worldwide. The sooner you accept it and stop with the black tears, the sooner everyone else can move on. Why not form your own “Wakanda” nation since you love being around each other so much??

Show was horrible, unfunny and forced, not to mention dude got FAT. No wonder he’s been away for so long, he just isn’t funny anymore.

LOL, “black Santa”!

Notice not a single mention of the “house party/memorialin Chicago where 13 people were shot, or that it is considered a mass shooting “because blacks”.