But at least she doesn’t look like a masculine ape like most black women do.
But at least she doesn’t look like a masculine ape like most black women do.
No, both are two of the most fragile groups in most developed countries anyways. Just ignore them and watch their tantrums commence, it really is hysterical!
LOL, I forgot all about Apple Arcade!
The good new is that it was applied to The Root.
“Lobstah”...get it right.
LOL, like we give a shit what you think, hahaha! You’d still be living in mudhuts if not for us, as there isn’t a single black majority city, state or country that is either safe or desirable to live in. This is why all other races avoid you like the plague, worldwide.
Ahhhh...”the Blacks!”
Beyawnce’s cult comes to mind...
Is this a girl group?
LOL, as if there is anyone left on this planet that hasn’t been to one! Or that someone driving by one will suddenly keep going because some rando blogger says their coffee sucks...so it MUST be true!!
...and yet Asians have no problem with abstinence while having low abortion rates, because of their country’s policies. Can’t afford birth control or a baby...DON’T HAVE SEX!!!
...and girls will be gold diggers, so you fuck off.
Ironic that it is racist “because whites”, yet Asians come here with little or nothing and far outpace POCs by every educational and business metric.
1) No one gives a shit what Waters thinks, actually
No surprise, ghetto. Does this only come in sizes XXL and up?
That would require an education...which POCs have the lowest rate of btw.
“Africa on Line 2"
“The Fragile Race”