Why would anyone condemn white supremacy exactly? Whites are supreme, there’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with being proud of your race, Latinos and blacks mention it every chance they can. Why should we be ashamed about our race, it’s not like the country was some barren wasteland before slavery! Same with Europe, tons…
“Oh look honey...negroes!!”
Strap in Dumbocrats, looks like another 4 years of MAGA!!!
Does Carvel still have “stores”?
5- “Should I keep working two jobs for uneducated negroes who six decades later still can’t adapt like other races?”
The Professional Victim Race does it again!
This was a great take on last night:
LOL, always feeling bad for yourselves, remember it was Biden who just claimed that ZERO people would’ve died “Trump did his job”...Z-E-R-O!!!
Nah, that will confuse Hidin’ Biden too much! He’ll think he’s lost his voice!
How will Joe be able to hear what’s being piped in for him to say?
So because we’re in the middle still of a pandemic, most likely with another round yet to come...we shouldn’t celebrate economic numbers improving?? Funny, if this was Obama you’d be praising him, as if the economy still wouldn’t have shit the bed (it did worldwide btw, no one was left unscathed regardless of death…
LOL, you’re blaming a worldwide pandemic that affected EVERYONE’S economy on Trump?! Are you fucking serious? You do realize that idiots like yourself have been claiming for YEARS that the economy would plummet, that he inherited Obama’s economy yet here we are in the midst of the pandemic and the Dow is 8k points…
Black America to child: “Distrust white people and the police, oh and you can’t be racist because “power”!”
You mean “support of other races while setting the record straight on your own”? No, cooning is when the majority of blacks have this mindset that everyone is against them, that’s why you despise those that make it out of the hood, why you by default protect your arrested child as innocent without ANY facts…
Then how about athlete, politician, doctor, etc. ? Because there are TONS of examples of black success yet in general the black community frowns on that.
Depends, when said entertainer like Beyonce, Rihanna or Jay Z are pro-black you go all in with your support, yet when Jay Z doesn’t (think NFL) suddenly you turn on him as ‘supporting the white man’. Blame yourselves, because this site is the perfect example of shutting out noise you either refuse to accept or refuse…