Actually those are funny.
Actually those are funny.
He was actually good in “A Star is Born” IMHO.
So then what is your so-called “privilege” if you’re poor? Just lazy?
Their first stop should be at the Barclay Center!
The question though is whether those renovations and repairs have been caused by tenant negligence.
You’ve never been a landlord obviously. Show me ONE rent-controlled public housing area that doesn’t get overrun with drugs and crime within a few years.
Vibrancy and culture doesn’t pay the rent, or do you think that people that own properties aren’t entitled to a profit? Just like if you are upside down on your mortgage and still owe the bank, the opposite doesn’t mean that any profits you make from a strong housing market means the bank gets a share of your profits…
Selling requires both a buyer and reasonable offer. If you put tens of millions into a property and now suddenly a law means you will lose a large portion of it, then it makes it that much harder to absorb. Again, no one is “entitled” to live in these units, if you get priced out because the market dictates it then…
They didn’t say “necessary” dummy, they said “right” and no, if you can no longer afford to live in an area “ were born, lived there your whole life, work there, and all your friends and family live there” you are NOT entitled to live there simply ‘because reasons’.
Not really, when you consider that two of their albums are in the top 500 all time on almost every music list, sold tons of copies and won multiple Grammies.
Don’t worry, Toronto isn’t going anywhere, bet on it.
It shouldn’t, the Celtics are a deeper team with a better coach, and come playoff time will be the team to beat IMHO.
Which is ironic, considering Hillary wouldn’t allow any of them within 100 miles of her residence!
So....put them in camps feeding and housing them for how long exactly? Their country is a festering shithole overrun by gangs that their govt. turns a blind eye to, when not taking bribes from.
“We are desperate people facing profound homelessness and poverty. We need help. You are the richest nation in the world. Turning us away when we have nowhere to just ain’t right. It’s not American, it’s not Christian, and it’s not human.”
...and yet you have zero problem with this part:
In other news, Baltimore still a festering shithole.
So it’s a men’s line?