
Jesus Christ, it’s a fucking comic book movie.

You guys love your shakedowns, no wonder no one wants to associate with you, hire you or take your business. Just not worth it, knowing there is an agenda behind it.

Why do black people pronounce it like that? I mean, you know it’s wrong but say it that way regardless, just like MACDonald’s.

“...unadjusted domestic grossing”

Alright we get it...

Enjoy your loneliness.

“...I’d rather see DLS eliminated then cancer and AIDs combined. “

Nice, more time to kill...people!

“... (because Jezebel didn’t have rights to the photos, I chose a visually similar stock image)“

Honest question, I have 2 BMWs and anyone familair with their interiors and this being 2018 knows that the “shiny ArmorAll look” is not a good thing, so I’ve been reluctant to have it detailed out of this fear (live in MA and too cold to do it myself right now).

Honest question, I have 2 BMWs and anyone familair with their interiors and this being 2018 knows that the “shiny

??? She literally did NOTHING while in the WH, beyond her little nutrition schpiel and look at her:

1) No we don’t, he had 8 years and didn’t make our lives any better. Millenials still can’t afford housing and still up to their necks in student debt.

Baker was good for all of a decade, she sounds like shit at this point.

I guess, but like George Michael it’s disingenous to make your entire career and music about being a romeo to women, not to mention refuse to come out “because career will suffer”.

We’ll say it whenever we want and there really isn’t anything you can do about it...except of course respond with violence of which you are VASTLY outnumbered!

From former drug dealer destroying his own community to serial cheater destroying his own family...a true success story!

Hopefully you go first.

You LITERALLY created your profile yesterday!

The problem with your argument though is that my money will be good EVERYWHERE and if using a credit card will be covered if my goods don’t ship. You? Nope.