
Love Live sucks

No props to them for not actually stopping him and instead watching

If I saw this dumbass walking down the street I’d tape the trigger of a both a taser and pepper spray down and shove it up his ass.

It was “hey look at me through a computer screen and laugh” not “hey look at me through my windows and scream”


You tried to make a joke about Rio’s shitty water, and the joke turned out to be equally shitty

I usually enjoy these articles but using a picture of Jorvorskie Lane, who’s leg got snapped in half and most likely had his career end that day, is a little bit distasteful.

“Anyway, he didn’t get job. Instead, it went to man who bench presses a good”

LOL, when was martellus ever wide open, dude couldn't catch the ball either even if his life depended on it.

Looks like someone's a Meatball

I count 7 Cubs

I've read that can lead to problems with the urinary tract

Great, Now we only have Jimmy Butler to complain about

Also the most expensive console to date

Sidney Crosby would've been fourth on my list behind Murray, Letang, and Kessel

Lebron’s thin skin rivals Donald Trump

Kyle Long, Chicago Bears pro bowl guard also streams on twitch a lot. He has a really good stream with transitions and everything. Plays Overwatch, GTA, and H1Z1. His twitch name is KyleLong is you want to check him out.

Like Father like Son

Please get Gusgasm Johnson

The Bengals are the Cleveland Browns of the playoffs