
I lived for four years in a small town next to an agricultural-heavy university.

It’s also pure, unadulterated campaign propaganda for the left. It’s like Trump is actually a progressive mole, destroying the right from the inside.

“Three generations of imbeciles are enough.”

If she had friends, I would suggest an intervention.

The militarization of space is a known bad idea and has been soundly rejected for decades. So this makes perfect sense.

his well-seasoned anus

It sounds like people here think Ennis Cosby’s murder was okay because his dad was a cunt.

100% wrong, but amusing.

One little seed has ruined many a life...

No. No. Just goddam fucking no.

It’s not a dash. It’s a minus sign, as in “give me all this but NOT that”...

Kate Spade was related to David Spade. (She is.)

But is it worth milking an unconscious beaver for?

If only she had done the same, this would have never happened...

I have always touted a form of hygge that includes far too many calories, called pygge. It may not work for everybody, but it makes me happy.

They then proceeded to pile up on expensive menu items

All it takes is one bottle of sweatsocks and baby piss to disabuse you of that misapprehension.

Vermin’s gonna verm.

We need an order of secular monks who devote their lives to the preservation and dissemination of Misterogersism.

Oh my god. Lemon bars the size of Cadillacs.