Which means whoever has it will abuse it. Men just got there first. Women are not immune from the corruptive nature of power, nor is any other currently out-powered class/group/identitrope*.
3/4 of a pound? An entire casserole with only 0.4 servings?
So you bothered to respond to a comment you clearly did not read? That’s the standard arrogant arsewipe response. As is denigrating someone for disagreeing with your sad, pathetic take on life.
Everybody with a gun is a responsible gun owner until the first time he pulls some dumbshittery like this. Bonus points for the teacher-on-student action.
Dear Ryan,
And Manson didn’t kill anybody.
It’s the New Xenu Review, comin’ right at YOU!
You’d rather she be forgotten?
“I bring my kids up to respect the office of the presidency and the president.”
You mean like the schools that tell you governors don’t legislate?
There are many many other people in porn who do not have experiences like these. Your immediate willingness to tar the entire field with this brush makes it look like your issues have very little to do with reality.
It’s been biting other portraits and drinking their paint for generations.
Even trolls can be right. Microagression is bullshit.
...and yet you managed both of them.
I cannot understand the logic of having to revere the very thing you fear.
To all who take sides in the lemon/lime debate:
And once again, for six months the clock I can’t reach in the living room will be right, and the clock I can’t reach in the bedroom will be wrong. My family’s oldest tradition.
Whee! Ignorant people with massive prejudice weigh in on a case they know next to nothing about! People posting just so others will know they are the few righteous individuals who stand up and bravely acknowledge that they are against coercive sex...
Neither can anybody else, since it is nowhere but in your head right now.