Donny Beisbol

Drew, this is some of your best work. If “Aaron Hernandez got his conviction voided by killing himself. That was like the Tuck Rule of murder” doesn’t become a hit meme or part of 4th grade poetry curriculum, there is no justice.

Roaming freely from town to town, exploiting the locals for financial gain... what’d you expect, they’re Raiders!

“New Role” means Berman becomes ESPN’s version of Andy Rooney - expect him to pop up in little segments designed to annoy the piss out of us, for the next 30 years or so.

I get it. Obviously you are referring to the unfortunate alignment of their jersey numbers.... 3 x 23 = 69.

2016 Finals Irving —-IS—- a better player than 2016 Finals Curry.

I’m pretty sure he’s more than 40. Get your facts straight, Samer.