Short, stoned, old or not particularly observant it’s bound to happen. Ending up needing new keys and new microwave are more likely to happen than the near zero probability occurrence you are trying to guard against.
Short, stoned, old or not particularly observant it’s bound to happen. Ending up needing new keys and new microwave are more likely to happen than the near zero probability occurrence you are trying to guard against.
Having had the Victorinox for the past 5 years with usually daily use multiple times a day, they do not require honing every session. Although I do hone them now daily-ish, the first few years they may have gotten honed every couple of months. I’ve given them a proper sharpening 2 times. The edge retention is better…
Having had the Victorinox for the past 5 years with usually daily use multiple times a day, they do not require…
I have to agree. I have more expensive knives, but the 2 Victorinox Fibrox 10" knives are my workhorse knives. I can easily get them razor sharp and they have good edge retention. When someone in the house put 4 nicks in 1 of them, I was able to get the knife back in perfect shape. They are the cheap knives that are…
I have to agree. I have more expensive knives, but the 2 Victorinox Fibrox 10" knives are my workhorse knives. I can…
Kind of funny that Rachele Pojednic studies nutrition since pojedi means to eat.
Whenever USA Today or similar publications run some protect yourself from hacker story, they always seem to omit any details on if the threat has occured anywhere on the planet, ever. 99.999999999999999999999999999999% of the time it has only been demonstrated by some researcher and never actually used in public. Oh…
I tried Vivino for a short time. I ended up buying too many duds. Any app using a 5 point scale means that 5 star bottle could be rated anywhere from 81 to 100 using the more traditional 100 point rating scale. I did better using intuition than Vivino. An app I do like though is from CellarTracker which uses a 100…
When I look for a new wine I know the styles and regions I like. I do look at types I may have never tried. I do stick to drier wines though. I’ll wander through the aisles and just look over labels. If the label is too gimmicky or trying too hard I pass it up. When I find a label that looks interesting, I take a look…
A friend of the family used to make them for us. Sadly she moved away. I hadn’t had them or seen them anywhere for 20 years until I walked into a small hole in the wall restaurant. I ordered them. The smell alone reminded me what a treat these were and upon tasting I was not disappointed. Truly one of the world’s most…
His mother is a particularly horrible human being so no wonder he wasn’t such a loveable guy. I was unfortunate enough to meet her. She went from trailer park resident to high dollar speaking engagements on the back of her son’s cycling career and and fee boosting goldmine his cancer was for her. She’s a greedy,…
May not work as well at a food stand, but in high school when I worked coat check at a country club restaurant I used a little psychology to get people to tip more. The first few people would throw change into the tip jar. Since the only payment I was getting was whatever tips I got I figured i would make it worth my…
Many salespeople avoid the how much question by asking how much do you want to spend or worse, deflecting to how much would you like your payments to be. If you can’t get an exact price without having to go sit in an office and sit through the 4 square sheet or variation of to confuse you with unrelated numbers, run,…
The possible side effects warning of every medication is driven by the legal team. Possible does not equal probable. That should not be the reason to delay standard science based medical care. My first child was an emergency C section. My first thought was not, oh I read some random article or read the legal…
Because viral infections wait until you are ready?
Again, please look at actual science instead of your “clever intuition” for guidance. By allowing a virus to flourish in an unvaccinated human population you allow it the chance to adapt more quickly to infect the previously vaccinated population.
If parents are going to ignore actual science and not vaccinate, they should at least be required to vacuum seal their kids and also themselves.
Sounds like a Ron Burgandy line. “What’s your name? Nomilin? Limonoate A-ring lactone?
I rinse and slice mushrooms stems and all and still get a good sear with a hot pan. The thing that guarantees I won’t get any sear is if I salt them, then they release a lot of liquid.
Why is it, conservative “family values” seems to often revolve around being an asshole to another person or group.
Top and bottom seems a little excessive since they only have 1 intestinal tract and it always runs along the back.