
I like to lure a demonic beast to inhabit my car to keep it warm even when the engine is not running. Usually at least once every year, I am greeted in the morning by this apparition.

I'm not dismissing the study at all. It just doesn't address aeration, so can't really be used as an argument against aeration.

I'm not dismissing the study at all. It just doesn't address aeration, so can't really be used as an argument

Stopper aerators like the Metrokane Rabbit are a little more convenient, less bulky and less messy. It doesn't have a sediment screen but you don't need to pour that very last drop of a wine you know to be sediment heavy.

Stopper aerators like the Metrokane Rabbit are a little more convenient, less bulky and less messy. It doesn't have

That study has nothing to do with the difference in taste of an aerated vs unaerated wine, it discusses how visual cues affect expectations and perception of the wine tasted. There can be a difference in taste to varying degree depending on the wine due to aeration. Will you make bad wine award winning with a bit of a

That study has nothing to do with the difference in taste of an aerated vs unaerated wine, it discusses how visual

Only after last call. Oooooooh, head hurt, lights bright, rarrrrrr.

The stresses on your body will be different with your arms kept in front of you than they would be with the normal arm swing. Your body naturally accounts for things that would change your balance like arm swing or no arm swing. running or walking with weights, etc. Just think about how your posture and gait are

I'm guessing you hold onto your desk, when walking the treadmill, so unless you walk outside with a giant walker or walk like Frankenstein with arms outstretched in front of you, you are using your muscles slightly differently and your posture is not the same, which would account for some of the difference.

A wok lid and a laptop set to share it's internet connection was my link to the internet for a painful 2 week period while I was moving. The connection fed my wired and wireless network with a connection that reminded me of dial up modem speeds since my gracious donor with a wide open router was quite a distance away.

I replaced my TWC supplied modem with the Motorola SB6141 and love it. The performance is noticeably better. One thing to keep in mind. the lights on it are insanely bright so either avoid putting this in a bedroom or break out the black electrical tape.

Just make sure you don't start out your reply with "So what I hear you saying . . ." every single time, it will get very annoying and have quite the opposite effect.

You get a star for that post.

Kitchen rubber gloves or a square of rubberized shelf liner would be a much much much less creepy way to pop that jar top. If your date sees you using condoms on jars, you won't need to worry about needing one to use with them. The next sound you hear will be the front door followed by the squeal of tires.

My list of coffee nirvana in order:

Switching to the SB6141 from crappy older one supplied by TWC, can't remember the model, was a night and day difference, higher speed and more stable. The lights are insanely bright so plan where you put this accordingly.

Switching to the SB6141 from crappy older one supplied by TWC, can't remember the model, was a night and day

I rinse the rice first. Doesn't need it nearly as long as white rice. Put it in the rice cooker and add the necessary amount of water and let it soak. I do not replace the water it has soaked in. Just turn on the rice cooker when it's time. Brown rice comes out nicely when I've put it in to soak for the day before

I love brown and black rice for the long soak times. I'll throw the rice in the rice cooker with water before I head out the door in the morning and, have it start in time to be ready when I'm back home and have finished the rest of the meal.

Those articles deal with Dave Ramsey specifically. I couldn't tell you whether his methods work or not. I've never read his books or listened to his show. I've told you my method. Getting at least 12% return is not impossible, I've been doing it. Whether or not his followers do it or not doesn't change the fact that

People do it every day. All it takes is a little time and research, looking at the 1, 5 and 10 year returns, picking funds with not necessarily the highest returns, but the most consistent while still offering a good return. I don't pick individual stocks because funds have a balancing effect over it's sector and

12% is very realistic. My 401k with a blend of mostly stock funds and some bond funds makes between 16%-19% and has done so for more than 15 years.

I don't know about the others, but Blue Apron's recipes are free, searchable and downloadable without a subscription. You may get a subscription popup but refresh the page and it goes away.