
So you want people to install a copy of Office that they can't activate? Why?

A car that hideous deserves twice the beating. Who let the Pontiac breed with the Toyota pickup?

Have you ever seen a good Mustang driver? I haven't. I have also never seen a Corvette driver push it past 31 mph even if the speed limit is 50. The old farts don't tend to be actual driving enthusiasts, which is very different than a car enthusiast and the 2 groups don't always overlap.

Usually you hear that fragmentation doesn't affect SSD's but with no supporting evidence. Someone decided to test that and was able to show that fragmentation does but to a lesser degree affect SSD's. You can see it here SSD file fragmentation, myth debunked. Fragmentation is not the only thing that will slow down

30 lbs is pressure is often quoted nearly everywhere but isn't based on much other than having been quoted elsewhere since about 2000. The La Marzocca Swift tamping grinder only tamps to a pressure of 8 lbs. Part of the reason for the lighter pressure is that it continuously tamps throughout the grind instead of just

I'm Ducati, the ghost of Christmas past. Clank, clank, woooooooooo!

A leased Hummer H2 usually driven by a woman with implants, bleached hair and hair extensions, fake tan of a tint that can only be described as a cross between Oompa Loompa orange and old boot brown, trashy multicolored fake nails and dressed like she might be a professional wrestler.

I like the resulting effect, but the transition as new pages load from unchanged to dimmed is a bit jarring. The brief flashes might actually increase eyestrain as your eyes have to adjust more drastically than they would normally. You may be better off just adjusting your monitor settings.

Yes, very Saturn SC2.

Google Voice or Hangouts? Even the linked post is unclear on this? They are 2 separate but similar products but the post treats them as if they are 1. Hangouts has been able to send both SMS and MMS or a while now at least for Sprint users anyway. Voice is better at handling calls, especially if you switch between

As with anything else transportation related in France, I'm sure the 1st episode will be plagued by the hosts going on strike.

For carry on, backpack. Much easier to haul ass at top speed when you have almost no time to catch your connecting flight.

It's more likely the dates in your job history and education would be a much clearer indication of your age and more accurate to within a few years. If you justify text, space after periods and between words will vary throughout your resume.

The abysmal autocorrect of iOS now butchering other languages in real time.

Less scotch will also help with not getting sleepy.

So all you really need to remember is that spice mixes with only sweet or sour. All the other flavors can be used together.

Is your phone's WiFi turned on and do wired and wireless devices on your network share the same subnet? If they are not on the same subnet, configure your router firewall to give subnets access to each other. Can you ping your phone from one of the Windows machines and vice versa?