
At the risk of sounding somewhere between “no fun” and “nutjob who takes his marvel shows too seriously” I really hate fourth wall breaks. Have since I saw On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. Make that “this never happened to the other guy” comment to another character as a meta-joke and I have no problem. 

God, I’m so fucking sick of this woman and her highly calculated public persona. If you don’t want attention on your romances, then don’t make so many public appearances at televised NFL games - which seem exactly designed to rehabilitate the NFL’s image and continue the rampant interest in Taylor’s dating life. This

I recently watched “Godzilla Minus One” immediately after seeing “Oppenheimer” for the first time. Forget Barbenheimer. THOSE TWO FILMS play reallly really well back to back. Just in your mind say “atomic bomb” everytime Godzilla is on screen and you’ll see what I mean. It’s jarring.

The ad’s fine. I think you’re reading too much into it to discern a fractured father-son relationship. Not much evidence there. The adult son is slightly embarrassed his dad is dancing in a coffee shop. That’s it. A good ad—not too maudlin, and the dancing is dorky cute—but not the best Christmas commercial.

Can we stop with the bizarre hang-wringing about The Marvels? Look at how apologetic the writers are about labeling it disappointing. “Perhaps no other film had a steeper road to climb this year than The Marvels,” it begins, unconvincingly. Then it blames the rest of the MCU (despite literally every MCU movie doing

Honestly, I wonder if people actually like his movies or is it that because he is supporting the “right messages” in them that people don’t want to criticize them for fear that people will think they like Dick Cheney or something if they admit that McKay’s “Vice” was crap.

I think part of the problem is that the current review ecosystem is very fragmented.

More than superhero fatigue, it’s a mix pushing-too-many-characters-in-a-short-amount-of-time-without-giving-a-big-enough-reason-to-care-about-them fatigue.

Why is it good news ? Who cares is the MCU is a success ? You work at Disney ? If the movies are good, with pleasure, if not like the last bunch, so no.

Couple of things. The Marvels did not compete with any other big films in this window, so that comparison to the other top 10 films is just weird.

> What I care about is them being honest.

> Guardians was still seen as a massive disappointment.

Well, it was nice of them to give him another shot.

They have. Really: they have. They’ve seen this film before. We’ve all seen this film before. Marvel hasn’t had a new idea since 2012.

Nice trie, Brie.

Midnight Mass is best for me. Not subtle at all by the end. Some full on gore. But I thought it was one of the best Stephen King adapatations (not actually written by Stephen King).

I’m struggling to think of another example of a filmmaker whose career began so auspiciously, who so utterly and completely sold his soul and talent to become a director who’d have to improve in order to rate as a hack.

“People will watch the entire series and then roll right into watching it again, and to me, that means we ended it properly,” he said.

Another utter whiff of an episode. So Thrawn gets flung to another galaxy with an entire Star Destroyer at his disposal and just....waits around, orbiting a janky-ass nowhere planet when he has no real hope of rescue just....because?