I’m not going to bother actually going to these sites to check my predictions, but I’m guessing something like the following headlines are being displayed:
I’m not going to bother actually going to these sites to check my predictions, but I’m guessing something like the following headlines are being displayed:
They also want to limit our ability to provide greater customer choice in programming packages, forcing you to take and pay for channels you may not want
These so called toxic workplaces just sound like workplaces from my experience.
I’m wondering just how many more pimples are left on the ass of Star Wars to be squeezed.
Lifelong Star Wars fan and none of this makes me feel anything. I just don’t care. I think the one-two punch of TLJ and TROS really killed any interest I have in Star Wars, unless it’s independently great, which only Andor was.
Welll Neill, welcome to The A.V. Cllub. We talk about Taylor Swift and shows nobody’s heard of and/or gives a fuck about being cancelled.
Still hits me. Fischler does such a good job setting up the dread, and Lynch’s little camera movements make it hypnotic.
Cynicism. The reason we care is because of cynicism. We all care about this is because the controversy is the only reason to care about it, and I suspect that Disney knows this all too well. They’re not getting anyone to talk about their remakes on the basis of quality; we all know they’re cheap, cynical cash-grabs.…
And the Seven People of Various Heights
Sand Beige.
I know people don’t like this criticism, but it literally looks like a CW show.
Ehhh... Yes and no. I’m all for the girl power messaging of the movie but it sometimes feels like most people are ignoring how commercial it is. It’s a movie based on children’s merchandise that’s produced by a children’s merchandiser. It’s kiiiinda an upscale, smarter episode of Transformers or G.I. Joe. The…
I’ve always assumed that cancellation came after someone has attained some level of cultural relevance. If she has any at all, Grimes can’t really say anything because she wasn’t relevant until the point of her so-called cancellation. She's not wrong that society likes to dogpile (because we enjoy joining in on…
I liked the Snyder cut of Justice League. It felt like the final culmination of everything he’d been trying to do with the DCU, for better or worse, and I appreciated how idiosyncratic and earnest it felt.
Believe me, I know that all too well.
A *SPOILER ALERT* woulda been nice.
Oh my God, influencers paid to say a movie is a masterpiece say a movie is a masterpiece?????? WOW! You don’t say! Don’t you guys get tired of writing this exact story two weeks before every single movie with a marketing budget comes out?
Once again it must be said tropes are useless tools for art criticism they merely highlight humans are so in love with pattern matching they’ll find patterns even when the patterns don’t exist.
I get giving Murray shit over his behavior, but giving Kelis shit about moving on, no matter how soon after her husband dies, is weird. Did you give Patton Oswalt any shit for getting remarried a year after his wife died? And mentioning their age difference would have more of an impact if the youngest age you…
I don’t understand the hate for “Shut up and Dance” and the meh-ness for “White Bear.” To me, these are the best because they ask you to spend an entire episode sympathizing for these people who are going through something grueling. They’re being tortured but an unseen force while you get more and more invested in…