
Anyone going to a Tenacious D concert has has enough problems going on in their life.  Two fat fucks singing some of the dumbest shit you’ve ever heard.  The tour being cancelled is a huge win for everyone, regardless of your politics.  

I love her in The Shining but she will always be the absolute perfectly cast Olive Oyl.

Fuck Clooney. Where was he before the debate when the press secretary denied denied denied that there were issues at the fundraiser. Her Cheap Fakes bullshit was a part of this. Clooney and his other rich asshole friends all saw this and said nothing until it was convenient to pile on after the debate.

I seriously don’t understand your line of thinking. People won’t be casting their vote for Biden because he’s some beacon of hope and a savior of humanity. He’s a shitty politician that’s been around way too long that was an ok President. The guy has a track record of pure shit from multiple acts of plagiarism to

Wow you are so edgy. They’ve been swallowing for two years by ignoring and even covering up his obvious mental decline. Even now there are people in here saying “jet lag, sick, over prepared, blah blah blah.”

Oooh, you’re scary.  What data are you inquiring about sir?

There’s plenty of other candidates. Does Biden really think that if he’s not in the race that people are going to say “Well, Biden dropped out, I guess I’m voting for Trump now.” Fuck no they aren’t going to say that. They are going to vote for Harris or whomever the fuck they decide they want to parade around for

Lol a fair point and you’re right. 

Biden’s poll numbers were abysmal before the debate. All the debate did was make the Biden campaign and much of the media look like fools for gaslighting the American public and even more foolish telling the lies on why he “had a bad night.”  

Really? Democratic voters have been swallowing “Biden is fine, look over there” for two years now.  

Anyone buying that he wasn’t well rested is just living in a fantasy (not saying you but anyone who thinks that). He was at Camp David for over a week before the debate. He didn’t have a cold, wasn’t jet-lagged, and wasn’t “over prepared” (whatever that means). He’s simply elderly and in mental decline.

Lol, you clearly didn’t’ watch the clip and sound exactly like one of the people in Congress and the media that Stewart was making fun of. 

It wasn’t a whiteboard. It was cardboard. 

The bigger problem I see is that the White House has gaslit the American people for essentially two years. Saying this was “a bad night” doesn’t explain the dozens and dozens of mistakes, flubs, bizarre comments, and just lack of awareness that Biden clearly has at times. When the Hur report came out the White House

The whole thing is just sad. You have a man that is clearly in severe mental decline but thinks he’s the only person who can beat Trump, which is ridiculous. They could have put anyone in his place the last election and Trump still would have gotten beat. Biden didn’t (and doesn’t) bring anything to the table that

People defending Biden are completely delusional. You are delusional because the only reason he is still the candidate is because he is the only one who can let someone else run.  If he could be replaced, they would have absolutely replaced him by now.  Instead, we have to listen to the press secretary gaslight us

It’s a failure to us as Americans that this is the situation that we are stuck in. It makes me dislike Jill Biden because she knows more than anyone what kind of condition he is in and she refuses to admit what it plainly obvious. Just watching her guide him down that one step after the debate was painful to watch

Uh no. We literally shouldn’t have a President that has dementia, period. There are other candidates that could do the job. Biden isn’t the only candidate that could beat Trump. The ONLY reason he’s still the candidate is because he refuses to step down. If they could replace him, they would. They can’t, so we

Excellent ranking.  Dial of Destiny is a pos movie. 

LOL ok bud.