
I don’t know what’s your demographic, or Aer’s demographic, or what you think is Aer’s demographic. I don’t know if my demographic is outside Aer’s real or perceive demographic. But I do know a lot of people who are very excited about Kamala Harris. My demographic is mature white female Democrat who votes. I really

He’s non-black. Ever since Zimmerman, I have started using the term non-black. People (White people) were saying Zimmerman couldn’t be racist because he is Latino. That is how we white people think- there is white and there is everybody else who are non-white. But I know Latinos who are racist towards blacks-

I didn’t until I heard Opa-locka post office. I’m white, but I’m still glad it wasn’t a black man.

If nobody else is going to say it, I’m going there. If people were not all arming themselves, then it wouldn’t matter how bad a mood they woke up in, it wouldn’t matter if they had a diagnosis, it wouldn’t matter if their coworker said something to them for cutting in line, or if someone was talking too loud in the

I really don’t want to be THAT white person who shares what some black person wrote, as if to say, “Look! This is what black people think!” But this article is just too good not to share, so I am going to be that person.

Can you actually put the owner on leave of absense without pay??? Who puts them there? Leave of absense from what? Owning the restataunt? Sounds like nonsense to me.

Sadly, I have lately been hearing “uneducable.” Sadly, I don’t think they mean Bubba.

A good one.

Disrespectful., belligerent.

Re #8 drug addict means white guy but crack addict means black guy.

If you went to law school, you need to get your money back.