
“Worry about pimping your daughter out, bitch.” -Kenya

What is this new trend of every trailer having a medical emergency!

This looks so good, I am so here for this, I have no shame, and no I am not interested in reevaluating my life choices.

I did at his elementary school.

So all of these comments about teens not being very independent anymore reminded me.

Also, this generation was not allowed to go out alone, to walk to school alone. Their parents planned “playdates” for them from infancy and then helped to schedule everything else. They’ve also been pushed harder in school, have more tutors and after-school, scheduled activities.

My almost-19 year old daughter has been at college for four weeks and she is already past wanting to go out and get drunk, which is amazing to me. In her exact words from a text she sent me “(HS friend at neighboring school) keeps texting me to ask me where the parties are. Girl, I’m a nursing major. I’m studying.

Ok yeah but the findings also stated that they are more anxious, depressed and have extreme difficulty relating to their peers and other people in person due to so much of their socializing taking place via phone/computer screen. So. I am glad that this generation seems to indulge in less risky behavior and they

I don’t know that they have a winning suit but their argument isn’t that they own the phrases (that was the other suit) but the lyical similarity shows she was inspired by their song. They both use similar phrases line to line in a similar way.

Yeah, the statistics on the outcomes when women introduce a gun into a threatening situation are unfortunately...not good.

If I may, I think it depends on where you live. I live in one of those mildly blue oases in a desert of red out in the West, and even here in the bluest parts of Redland, being openly feminist is apparently a radical act.

Reminds me of this Special K commercial that says “women are strong because... they eat!”

But you’re likely bored because, though culture wants to popularize the idea that things like a young woman playing on the boy’s team is normalizing, it actually isn’t. It happens once or twice, but it isn’t really happening, and that’s what bores me. We talk about the wage gap, and I work in a place run by women, but

Where can I purchase this regal Motorola cinemas soulcycle feminist goop?

I headed on out of NJ with Jim Marchese, gave it another shot, but I can not stomach Teresa or anyone related to her. Like... I feel so much irrational anger I simply can not watch.

Even if your opinion’s unpopular I’ll agree with it. Reading/writing and research is like, what, 109% of a lawyer’s job? But sure, Caroline, cry and wail at the law school for not bending over to curb all of Albie’s grades because he had the ADD.

Sunscreen, glitter, a hoodie and brooding stares. Bam. Vampire look.

Arrrrgh! The Manzos. They think they are god’s gift to television and I hate it. Like they honestly assume they’re the only family with a marginal sense of humor and weird quirks and we’re supposed to devour them like they’re the Osbournes of the 21st century. When in actuality none of those kids could get through

i watched early nj, but like you, it was all too familiar. i am from westchester and it was like, i KNOW these people, i don’t want to see this...BUT season 1 was so great. so tacky. then it just got ugly.