Guy Man

Tacho-facist? Taco-facist!

Back to the Shack sets up the sequel!

Does this film use Weezer's Back to the Shack over the end credits? Because this film should use Weezer's Back to the Shack over the end credits.

I just don't know where you can go with this series anymore. It's turning into Friday the 13th.

Didn't Rambo fell a helicopter with an explosive arrow also?

So Mascots is worse than For Your Consideration?

Why don't they make it an all-gay people of color cast and get the William Hughes to jizz all over the screen?

This Brooklyn hipster can take the Gaspipe Anthem, as far as I'm concerned.

I loved this doc. But, how did the police fake the ballistic evidence from Avery's .22? I don't see how they could get brain matter on the bullets with no body. They have a murder weapon, shell casings from that gun, the bullets from said gun with DNA evidence of the victim on it, the vehicle, Avery's sweat DNA under

Lazarus's plot is ridiculous, although I love it.

Midnighter is a recurring character in Grayson, too. Of course he's awesome in it.

In my experience, Penny Dreadful is an awesome cure for insomnia. It bothers me that it should be so much better and so much more exciting.

I could accept Rogers as fairly hard-core New Dealer, but that was a bit much.

I laughed.

I think this confirms that we all agree that Neil Young sucks, right?

Secret Wars will have huge, amazing, exciting battle scenes that unfortunately you never see - the characters will just talk about them and make you wish you were reading the actual book those things were happening in.

I laughed.

Seriously, about half of these were totally pulled out of your asses.

My expectations for "How Bad is Chappie" have been curiously unfulfilled by this blah, mediocre, "C" review. This looked like a solid "F" in previews. You've gone soft, Dowd.

Prometheus sucked, breezy.