Guy Man

They carry M5 submachine guns in South America.

Southern Comfort in Belfast? I'm in.

Hopefully, this will lead to nothing, since I can't stand either of these writers.

Why wouldn't Adnan rat out Jay, then? We now have another witness saying Adnan threatened Jay, BTW.

I just skimmed through this. Any highlights?

Sooner or later he turns everything to melodrama. Nothing wrong with that, but I wanted more sci-fi in my sci-fi book.

Dropped off Saga. They lost me spending so much time at that writer's house, then I skipped a couple issues, and then I wasn't reading it anymore. Other solid selections on this list, though.

Music critics sure listen to some horseshit, man.

This is the kind of thing that prevents me from ever living in New York.

I'd listen to that, while eating cereal.

The snark in this piece needs to be dialed down 45.78%

Don't give any shits about the reviews for this. Seeing it.

Got through about 30 seconds of that. Tell me what happens.

Let's face it - no one will watch these shows.

She produced Pitch Perfect and has a gig in Hunger Games. Not hurting in any way.

Unmentioned by you is that Brennan starred in Lillian Hellman's unwatchable ode to Stalinism, The North Star. I know because I was once forced to sit through it.

This has to be better than Stunt Rock.

How about we turn the tables and have the guests interview the host? Or, we can have the audience put the host on trial!

In the bag? More bags. It's a bag of bags!