
I wear a jacket. Sometimes gloves, too.

Until I can pick up any issue I want off the newsstand, browse the photos, read the articles, and place it back and walk away without paying, this is not a very good newsstand.

This is why Wes was fired, right?

I get first dibs on punching him in the throat...

Well, when you put the two next to each other, think about what things each could learn from the other. Could the Rotary technology apply well to cheap, reliable family transportation like the Camry, and could the Camry's tech apply at all to the RX-8?

Their other car is a Chrysler Sebring. 'Nuff said...

Great, she went from being jacked by a street thug to now being on the hit list of half the Jalopnik roster.

"Molly is using Instagram - a fun & quirky way to share your life with friends through a series of pictures. Snap a photo, then choose a filter to transform the look and feel of the shot into a memory to keep around forever."

Wow...time to slam it, cut the fenders, and put some pink wheels on it.

What is the car at 0:50 in the video? Don't think I've ever seen it before but it looks amazing.

Damn, I just want to meet this man. I want the chance, using my uncanny ability to judge others' saneness, to determine if this guy is really delusional or is this some sort of joke.

I seriously wish to shank this man to death with a pair of scissors.

Is this what you use your wagons for? A button-down shirt?

Forget springs. Airbag it—that way you can have whatever ride height you desire and still slam it in the parking lot for easy egress/cool points.

Damn I wish it was the Doraville plant. It'd be nice to have something to look at on my drive in every morning...

Amazing... I know exactly the "motif" he was going for and I rarely pass judgement on what another man thinks is "cool," and yet I still think this is the stupidest thing I've seen in a long time.

Why is there a vampire aiming an old single-action revolver at me?

Weaksauce. Dial in the launch control to hold 7000 rpm and then dump the clutch—that's the video I want to see.

Oooh, I hope someone worthy of the job steps in to fill Ray's shoes.