
First of all, to assume any company you listed as 'just a software company' or 'just a hardware company' is pretty ignorant. Microsoft makes hardware - Xbox 360, various branded keyboards and mice, Kinnect, web cams, Kin, and Zune HD. Then to compare Apple to Samsung sounds like comparing a dentist to a heart surgeon.

Maybe we're all paying the Microsoft Tax now instead of the Apple Tax everybody claims. Looks like Apple is just covering their expenses. As share holder, I would be very happy for Microsoft. However, I'm not, I'm a consumer. If MS is making that much on that little, somebody is getting screwed over, and it's not the

I agree with you, but I think the crazy thing is how Apple only has 10% of the PC market where Windows is running on nearly everything else in the world and they still aren't making as much money. So is MS planning on growing that 70% install base? Where is the room for growth? PC sales are down in general, plus no

That's all I needed to hear. I'll be switching to Android tomorrow and going to the monocle store on my way back home. It isn't always iPhone vs. Android vs. Windows, is it? Obviously Shazam was originally designed on the iPhone, when they released the Android version they aren't going to photo copy it for other

That's the pot calling the kettle black. Are you seriously bitching about my bitching? I'm glad you have such insight to the HULU goings on. Maybe you should have written your own article and posted it on your blog where nobody is allowed to speak freely.

Hulu plus is terrible. "Short Circuit 2! Get your Short Circuit 2!" No thanks. I was paying for it until my credit card expired. The fact that you have to pay a monthly fee and still get commercials should be a deal breaker for any sane person.

It would be hilarious if the only thing you could access is a C64 emulator. I need this, "F" rating or not.

Still a few BBS around. It's never too late to whip out the 300 baud modem for a real trip down memory lane.

"Fragmentation does not exist." - Every Android Fanboy

Did anybody else get nervous at 9:05? I wasn't sure where they were going.

I agree. They could release the original zelda on the iPhone with original graphics and the worst controls ever and it would still sell millions.

There is no way he is using a public restroom with that thing on.

No doubt Android can/could be powerful, but no developers are going to really latch on when the bar has been set so low. It's a pretty risky gamble.


They've been making tablets that do everything a laptop does forever. They suck. Why reinvent the wheel? If you are going to drop $800 on a crippled laptop, why not just spend an extra $200 and get a Fujitsu Lifebook or something? The iPad is a media appliance, not a full computer. It's like buying a toaster and

I own an iPad, so I'm probably going to come off as biased or something, but I really do not understand what people like about this XOOM. It seems really cluttered. It just reminds me of a simplified laptop without a keyboard or something.

This is what I've been waiting for forever. Once more fast food restaurants start to include these, I'll finally be able to drive and eat fries while talking on the phone and texting my friends.

They'll make one for your Android phone, eventually. ;)

Just in time for iPad 2. I had to say it if it wasn't already said.

@Chrysolite: But they get a bigger cut if they remove the "bad guy". Nobody is buying two copies.