As a teacher, I don't complain about my salary. In fact, I hate when people do not realize (or in a teachers case - admit) we are getting paid for 9 months of work, not 12 months. The checks just get spread over 12 months so we don't spend it all in one place. When you look at it that way, it's really not horrible.
Coming off of an iPad 1, I would say it was an incredible update. I'm pleased.
I'm sure the bigwigs just hire Bill Gates to come in and give some technology lessons. Or maybe in the bigwig house, computer time is the equivalent to me taking my kid camping. They use their 'family time' for technology. It's precious. :)
All you have to do is look up Dr. Robert Lustig's presentation on sugar (Sugar: The Bitter Truth) to see that sugar in any form (Fructose, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Processed Sugar, etc.) is bad for you on countless levels.
I'm waiting for the "Apple is stupid for having so many pixels" comment. I'm sort of shocked it hasn't happened already.
I thought the Samsung commercial was at least a slight upgrade to the original ones. They must have realized that in the original commercials, nobody leaves the line to go buy a Samsung. In the new commercial, everybody leaves except for the hardcore Fanboy.
One could argue that patent trolling actually makes technology improve. Just because things are done a certain way, doesn't mean they can't be done another way. So by not allowing the companies to just duplicate Apple's products (or any other product), they actually have to find a work around by either paying for the…
Maybe because the developers test the beta versions and when the OS is ready, Apple does an auto update to capable devices rather than letting the carriers decide what is best for the consumer. It's an inconsistent experience for various Android users. I don't see how the article is "FUD". Some people just don't like…
Well... If we don't buy them, somebody else will. :-/ Ever see Iron Man? True Story!
I got pretty excited when I initially saw the 10" model and then was disappointed to see it was only 10". As a music person, I would love to see one of these with the screen size of at least notebook paper. I know small and portable is the idea, but it would be great to have a 13" or 15" laptop size screen with all of…
Looks like a slightly larger 4th Generation iPod Nano, no?
Well... it looks like a bracket. You don't pair up the two best teams in the first round.
How is this Kindle Fire any different than the Nook? The nook looked like a cool choice. It ran Android, plays apps, good size for carrying around and reading, but it's responsiveness is terrible. There are two types of people in the tablet market, people that own an iPad and people that want an iPad.
My iPhone 4 is definitely taking a hit since the update, but it is a combination of a couple things for me (I think). 1. I work in a building with very poor mobile service in general, so my phone has always had issues searching for service, which I think drains the battery. 2. It seems every feature has added new push…
+1 - well said!
Well, with online storage, one could argue that storage is unlimited and getting to be a moot point. If I'm streaming my music on Pandora (iPhone or Android), it's taking care of my music needs with a few megabytes of storage.
Considering the only people that are going to buy something like this are rich people with money to burn, it won't make a difference. I can't even imagine what sort of markup is on this thing - GPS or no GPS.
I sort of wish they had just done a spin off of their Motorola ROKR. I guess we will just have to settle for this.
Ah... Splashproof. Nothing like dropping your phone in the toilet full of piss, pulling it out, and continue talking without missing a beat. You're move Apple!