
I have a vague notion but got lost in the mythopoetic stew of shitty writing.

Newsflash; people who can’t tell they’ve been conned surprised when it turns out they’ve been conned.

This will be the best DC licensed movie ever made.


Hopefully the people who consider themselves liberal in this country hold MSNBC, CNN and the DNC responsible for this clusterfuck. They put the finger on the scales for Clinton in the primaries, they are why we now have this deranged idiot for a president.

Yeah, no change.


To CNN for hiring those fucktit douchebag racist fuckfaces to defend Trump:

I just tried to escape the election for a few moments by checking Kotaku.

One sure way to skull fuck your credibility instantly is to cite them as a source.

this girl’s linking to breitbart like it’s real

Because it’s not “two bad options,” and frankly I have very little patience left for anyone using that nonsense argument. After months of constant Trump meltdowns and revelations of his bigotry and misogyny, anyone seriously acting like he and Clinton are interchangeable is showing a shocking lack of empathy toward

I don’t fault them, but if anything, they should be pulling plans for Oculus because it’s a shitty platform that’s been managed horribly.

It’s not like you have to click the article, read it and comment on it you know..

Send an email to Luke or the editor instead of crying down here.

Because the Joker would just be considered a regular guy in Florida.

Naming a Magikarp after Trump? What an insult... for the Magikarp.

I see no problem?

I think we may be overcomplicating this issue, Jihad has pretty much one meaning nowadays, it’s nowhere near as complicated as this wikipedia article makes it out to be. If a guy was named adolph hitler got an account, he’d be banned too. It might not be your fault you are named after religiously sanctioned genicide

Dude, whoever was playing genji was to blame. 100% That character is the worst in the game, he serves no purpose other than to steal kills that were pretty much already secured. You should feel guilty any time you pick him.

Need a tank? Genji’s not your man
Need some damage? Genji’s not your man
Battlefield control?

Fun article, wish we had more stuff like this on Kotaku and less cosplay nonsense.