
How about the fact that great video game companies and brilliant teams have to shut their doors forever due to not hitting the sales goals for a title because dickweeds would rather steal their games?

The combat system is bad? I shudder to think what kind of abomination of an rpg sytem you think has a good combat system, oblivion? Witcher 3?

Even more ludicrous is the idea that the game isn’t funny or lighthearted, this is by far the most lighthearted silly final fantasy game in the mainline series, nothing is even

Apple products are like designer bags, they are vastly overpriced for the materials they are made out of and have less function than a similar product for half the price.

I’ll wait for the Android launch thank you very much.

He’s not really using any 5 dollar words, he’s just mangling sentence structure and misusing words in the way a new age con-artist would.

Speaking as someone who has played dota competetively for over a decade now, you are full of shit.

The game was long past due for some new mechanics.

No good bad and the ugly, list was dead on arrival.

Microsoft should bail them out, false promises from team xbone has sunk this once awesome company.

I’ve sunk soooo much time into isaac, it never gets old. Bring on the mods!

There are literally 9 sellers right now selling copies on ebay for under 200 bucks sealed with the code.

I own three of the games on this list and think you are exaggerating the worth of these items a good bit(wow collector’s edition at $300, c’mon, you’ll be lucky to get $30).

You spend 6 years working on a game as the lead then get kicked in the balls for it. That’s a large portion of a man’s life that Konami wanted to sweep under a rug.

Platinum was poop, the finished game is not. Enjoy that carbuncle I guess...

Are you an uneducated 40 yo+ mom of 4 who stays at home and dreams of killing herself? Get the crossover. In any other situation, don’t.

What’s with using the horrible remake? The original was a thing of beauty, that iphone version is complete and utter garbage.

“Ghosting?” ...I think most people just call it being a shithead.

And Japan just lost the right to ever complain about a white actress in ghost in the shell.

You are exactly right, if the meat isn’t ground up, it’s not a burger. If they did that to raw fish, it probably would still not be a burger: It would be a tar tar sandwich. Cooking said patty is still a prereq for burgerdom.

Hopefully the people who consider themselves liberal in this country hold MSNBC, CNN and the DNC responsible for this clusterfuck. They put the finger on the scales for Clinton in the primaries, they are why we now have this deranged idiot for a president.

If you voted for Clinton instead of Sanders in the primary. You are the fucking problem, go fuck yourself.

It wouldn’t even be close if we had nominated Sanders, it’s our fault as democrats for putting up someone like Hillary. I voted for her but I am absolutely sure more people voted against Hillary than voted for Trump. I blame the DNC and MSNBC.