
republicans + gaming = gamergate

Having used both, I can definitely attest that the Vive is sooooo much better.

Don’t do the anime, do the manga. It’s waaaaay better and considered the most consistently well drawn manga of all time. If you have to do an anime, the first one is by far the best. The two newer ones totally miss the spirit of the manga.

Since when? I’ve heard to applied to whites more often than blacks.

Game’s a rip off of paragon more than overwatch isn’t it?

This is going to be the toughest legal nightmare Spielberg has ever faced. The licensing wrangling needed to make even a semi-accurate representation of the novel is going to be epic, not a sentence goes by without a reference to some 80's movie, tv show, song, book, etc. Hell, just to shoot the finale will require no

Wait, where’s the weekly dose of generic garbage metal from Relapse records?


Tattoos: for when you are worried that the deaf guy might not hear you shouting “look at me.”

I think they expected a passably decent film, in that regard they were totally let down. This is pg-13, critics sit through movies like the nc-17 anti-christ where a guy gets his dick sawed off. This is a children’s film that’s just plain bad. Get over yourself.

Vaccines are awesome and I’m not anti-vaxxer but I worked in pharmaceuticals for many years and can say without certain that during the Bush years, big pharma got a huge boost by the neocon controlled congress/president/supreme court deregulating the testing before a drug goes live. The FDA was stripped of all of it’s

My wife and I are both voting Hillary Clinton and I can’t stand her voice. It’s shrill and she screams a lot(as much if not more than Trump, which is bad): I didn’t care for Sander’s voice either(and I preferred him). It’s not sexist to dislike a voice, Clinton clearly has a voice that grates the nerves of some

Trump supporters are bonafide idiots, you just gave this one a platform...Good job.

A good player can make a shit toolkit shine, especially in a game like overwatch where there isn’t a true competetive scene yet. When there is, you won’t find a single top tier team using genji.

As long as you aren’t playing that cyborg turd Genji, I don’t really care. What a sorry toolkit.

If you want to get better, just follow behind other players and give them suppression fire as any hero really(other than genji, he’s useless), that’ll teach you just about everything you need to learn to be a good player.

I don’t either.

Kinja, come for the retards who don’t know the difference between race and religion. I’m middle-eastern by the way.

I was raised muslim fucktard.

I think we may be overcomplicating this issue, Jihad has pretty much one meaning nowadays, it’s nowhere near as complicated as this wikipedia article makes it out to be. If a guy was named adolph hitler got an account, he’d be banned too. It might not be your fault you are named after religiously sanctioned genicide

Jaime isn’t that far off here. In the books he has a slightly more heroic redemption arc but if you are willing to read between the lines of the Riverrun siege you can easily make the argument he’s on the same path. I think Varys gets the biggest character changes between the two. Show Varys is definitely a better guy