
You can’t be bothered because you don’t have the fucking intellect. Stop acting like you have “things to do.” It’s obviously not the case, since you’re still down here throwing around condescending insults without an ounce of substance.

Don’t you love when redneck dudes get all gussied up and think they’re stylin but they always look tacky and terrible

Yeah but a white guy wrote it so gotta give it some snarky dismissal ya know?


IDK about this list. San Francisco party scene sucks. Same with San Diego. LA is great, if you have somewhere to go when all the bars close at 1:30 or 2. Amount of bars does not a good party town make.

I was born and raised in St. Louis and got the fuck out thank god, but this is what separates St. Louis from every other terrible rust-belt flyover dumpster - its citizens genuinely think the city is just so, so great. If it weren’t for the people, it wouldn’t be such a bad place. Not great, but pretty OK

Have gone to multiple Jiffy Lubes in 3 different states for every oil change I’ve ever had in the last 10 years because I don’t give a shit. Never had a single bad experience.

Well this comment section as affirmed my long-held belief that most people who want to fuck cars are also fucking morons.

Oh wow.

Well, from the shape of their skulls it’s obvious they are prone to deviousness and communism

I think these guys are assholes because they are the kind of people who decided to become YouTube “personalities.” Their vegan-ness is just coincidental.

My argument is you’re being deliberately obtuse to prove some kind of super obvious, unnecessary point

Oh my God dude, it’s fucking Deadspin. Read the statement within the context of the rest of the article and fucking relax with your unnecessary moralizing and concern trolling. He was obviously referring the certain kinds of harmless high school shenanigans, in the same vein as the situation the article is describing.

Because, for fuck’s sake, do you really think that’s what anyone is implying here? That we should literally tell high school kids to not think about the consequences of their actions? Ok man, yes. Thank you.

That’s not what that means though- it means they are not going to vote for Hillary. I personally will because even though I think she’s an awful person, I think she’ll make a perfectly fine president. But keep patting yourself on the back for REALLY SEEING HOW IT IS. YOU’RE SO PRAGMATIC.

What the fuck are you even talking about, dude? Literally nothing of consequence is happening to them. Their 1st Amendment Rights are in no danger of being infringed upon. We have every right to trash the shit out of them, however. Stop apologizing for these fucks.

This is perhaps the hottest of takes

My God. You DEFINITELY compete with Barry’s story.

Damn Doctor, every single one of your responses was so god damn on point this week.

I don’t understand how anyone gives a shit about any of this. I mean, what in the fuck? And then, of course, to choose THIS as the thing that inspires you to organize and speak out and fight...THIS. You aren’t getting enough boobs and butts in your fucking video games. And OF COURSE the target of all this pointless,