
The overwhelming amount of comments under literally every post about politics are people taking issue with the the author not literally gushing with enthusiastic support for Biden, with the justification that it’s somehow irresponsible to criticize him or the Democratic party because of who his opposition is. There’s

for real, I don’t understand when the commentariat of this site turned into a bunch of msnbc mouthbreathers demanding blue-team propaganda posts. yes, Trump will lead to the downfall of the United States and yes, it’s imperative that Biden wins. however, that doesn’t necessitate progressives completely relinquish

where the fuck did you all come from in the last year? this is, what do you expect to hear? go read msnbc or something if you are so thirsty for propaganda. the commentariat of this site has somehow turned into a bunch of blue-team yuppies this year and it’s fucking exhausting. everyone here is voting

lol you fucking lemmings bringing this up under literally every single jezebel article nowadays. you’re glorified sports fans, still trying to talk shit about your blue team’s crushing defeat 4(!) years ago. get a life

wow that’s legit one of those most disgusting things I’ve ever read

the only thing more annoying and tired is the constant fucking neolib boomer whining under literally every jezebel article nowadays. go read msnbc or whatever the fuck

and the dying wish of our democracy is that she would have stepped down when Obama asked her to instead of letting her ego and vanity and “legacy” get in the way

This is such a breathtakingly stupid take

nah see he wouldn’t be caught dead doing that; he’d go on TV and tell everyone he went gator ridin’ in his confederate underwear last night, because he’s a free American. But really he was sipping mai tais by the fontainebleu pool with his “son”

he’s totally going to fuckin win. i don’t think you guys understand how much people here in the Midwest fucking love Donald Trump

I worked in entertainment awhile ago and happened to be on a conference call with Michael Cohen in I think summer of 2016 (regarding a Trump “court show”...I’m near certain that his whole campaign was mostly a way to leverage his fame into a new Trump TV network) and yeah he was such a bitch. All the other executives

do you all just have to get outraged about some perceived racial slight every day? is it a compulsion? or do you genuinely think you’re doing some public service? this reaction is a fucking stretch

hell yeah

The rabbi of said synagogue is incredibly well-respected in the community...she rarely speaks ill of anyone, and if she says something bad about you, you’ve almost certainly fucked up. She uncharacteristically spoke to the press about about the two butter sculptures held under hairdryers who live nextdoor to her, and

it also lets us relive the halcyon days of yesteryear, when having a boring but stable office job with benefits was not an unattainable fantasy for most

you’re pathetic bud. you’re throwing a temper tantrum and trying to lecture people about how old and wise you are. give me a fucking break.

you’re the only one coming across as a petulant child here

living on a farm is probably super awesome, if you’re already rich and don’t actually have to rely on it for sustenance

Well they don’t need to do it competently, because no one will stop them either way.

and yet, you’re the ones still constantly bringing it up? like under literally every jezebel piece, you guys are trying to relive the hilary v bernie animosity when bernie was never once mentioned, even implicitly. i’m pretty fucking excited about Harris, but you guys really need to give it a rest and stop treating