
Ah I’m still in MO...I was in Los Angeles for a number of years and came back here in 2016 for what I thought at the time were good reasons...very much regretting it now. Just need to hold on a few more years while I save money to buy some land way the fuck away from everyone

you must be in Trump country...the F-250 and shitty fishing boat they’ll be paying off for the next 500 years fucking accurate, I (unfortunately) know multiple people like this

I took some business classes in undergrad at a big Midwestern state school/diploma mill 15 years ago, and never once met anyone in them who had any sort of intellectual curiosity beyond what they thought was required to make money. There is no desire to produce well-rounded humans in business programs, it’s basically

Pleasantly surprised by Missouri this morning. Bush will go to congress and the state passed Medicaid expansion by a pretty significant margin (headlines are painting it as if it squeaked through, but, uh, these days 53-47 is a fucking landslide). This state is something else; when you propose progressive policy as

Of fucking course he is

jez tends to hamfistedly shoehorn race into all of their celebrity gossip pieces...i’m not even saying that race doesn’t play a big role, but jesus at least make an effort rather than just lazily picking the easiest angle you can find. none of those celebrities got any sort of empathy regarding “mental health” from

Behold: the “master race”

oh for the love of god

right? i get that it can come off as a little trite, but it’s fucking crucial and apparently a lot of people need to hear it. remember when a progressive candidate was the front runner in the primary, and then literally no one showed up to vote for him?

jezebel is good for nothing other than instigating drama  “ironically” for clicks

look at those fat fucking chodes in their little outfits, they look like fucking 5 year olds in plastic darth vader halloween costumes. fucking pieces of shit

yuck, dude. my god. do you have literally zero self awareness?

i cant even imagine the ego it takes to spend tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of your life just to pass on your genes or fill that gaping hole in your life that even all your yuppie bullshit couldn’t fill. can’t have a kid naturally? sorry man, them’s the breaks. Go adopt or do something

do you ever give it a fucking rest?

I mean, substitute a protest staged by black or brown Americans against our own, slightly more subtle, version of authoritarianism, and I have a strong suspicion that most of these voices so currently outraged by the Hong Kong injustice would be either utterly silent or screaming about disrespect shown towards our

I hated the last episode because it all seemed so rushed and forced, but after thinking about it I am liking it a bit more. Could have better, could have had a lot more scenes showing us Dany’s turn, sure. But the lead up was certainly still there, rushed and sort of..superficial.. as it was. 10 eps would have been

unfortunately he was born with a face that looks like someone stuck misshapen googly eyes on a plate full of semi-melted margarine so I genuinely believe that he has felt persecution in his life

who the fuck are you even talking about? who is “they?” this “bernie-bro” fucking fantasy you’ve conjured in your head? the only people talking about hillary more than deluded red-hats are you dipshit hillary fanatics who won’t let go the fact that the democratic candidate for president ran a terrible fucking

because you value order over justice because you are a coward

Everything you just wrote is flat out wrong. Thailand’s suicide rate is higher than the United States. Many Asian cultures have suicide issues. Sri Lanka has the highest suicide rate in the world. I wonder what the predominant religion is there? Japan & Korea both have issues with high suicide rates. The fact that you