Look at this meatball right here thinking he’s being clever.
Look at this meatball right here thinking he’s being clever.
I agree to the point that there’s nothing wrong at all with a healthy dose of skepticism; we should look at these things critically. That said, that skepticism has to go both ways; the examples you give are incidents that didn’t remain hidden, despite ones like the Gulf of Tonkin going right to the top. Same with…
“His private letters would seem to make it abundantly certain that it was.”
“For all that sheer volume you aren’t addressing the primary issues of the contrary accounts and mortality rates of witnesses”
That book was (hopefully) the last gasp of this dragged out notion that JFK, despite everything that he actually said and did, was actually secretly the last great liberal scion who was secretly going to completely withdraw from Vietnam, dismantle the CIA and somehow end the Cold War itself with the Soviet Union. And…
No, they cut him because of the money they owed him, as why most players get cut.
He didn’t “quit;” the Niners made it very clear they were just going to cut him if he hadn’t opted out:
Fuck, I hope not.
Wait...people are mad about the anti-Nazi sentiment of a game series that is ALL ABOUT KILLING NAZIS?!?
The 49ers would have cut him if he hadn’t opted out.
I guess at least he didn’t bother hiding behind some kind of bullshit that he wants prison to be anything but some kind of gigantic punishment machine? I mean, why wouldn’t he want anyone to actually have a chance at the “correctional” part or anything? Gee, I wonder...
That comparison doesn’t work; that’s a hypothetical sacrifice (that statistically is very unlikely to happen) vs. the police being granted very real and not-hypothetical extraordinary powers that they can and do easily use on a daily basis.
There seems to be an expectation that the police should be granted these…
If you’re going to want to be granted extraordinary power you should also expect to make extraordinary sacrifices.
He’s talking about baseball teams that have “God Bless America” sung during the 7th inning stretch, not the anthem.
Quit watching football 3 seasons ago; my Sundays are so much more enjoyable now. Between the overt corruption of the NCAA and how they use their players like indentured servants, the appalling approach by the NFL towards things like CTE and player safety/health, and the disgusting, slobbering paid for “patriotism”…
Shit, just make it, “come on white pro athletes, get in on this.” The dead-on responses to him so far shouldn’t be so overwhelmingly one-sided.
“I’m just looking for some enlightenment here.”
Man, look how straight up TRIGGERED you are, from your burner name on down. I’ll bet you sweat while you type.
My No-Prize-ish solution for the webbing is this: I like the idea of organic webbing, because without it he’s not very spider-like, powers-wise. OK, he’s strong and agile and climb up walls...he could easily just be the Amazing Generic Insect-Man. So have it that he’s producing the webbing organically, but he has to…