Kinda, this is just another way around ad blockers. If they have a shit ton of video content they can run bumper ends built into the beginning and end that cant be blocked by ad blockers.
Kinda, this is just another way around ad blockers. If they have a shit ton of video content they can run bumper ends built into the beginning and end that cant be blocked by ad blockers.
All good players have multiple 3 year gaps in playing time.
Man, you guys, I think maybe the NFL has a racism problem.
Seems appropriate that such a good idea would sprout from Brussels.
“Drink a beer and listen a baseball game or something.”
...and that he had also wanted to kill“blacks, Arabs, Jews and homosexuals.”
I read it as a cryptic way of suggesting Horowitz was fired for some kind of inappropriate behavior, but your explanation makes sense as well.
If the Celtics were the 6th seed, looking to improve enough to make a deep playoff run and maybe push for the Eastern Conference Finals, then not grabbing Butler would be worthy of the criticism Ainge is getting.
Say what you want, but dude’s always working on his FITNESS, as in FITNESS whole goddamn pizza in his mouth.
I don’t think it’s fake at all, at least not in that same sense, because agents and executives really are telling reporters this stuff. Whether the stuff is true, or just being floated out there for more nefarious purposes, doesn’t make the news—that someone said this—fake.
I want the Lakers to not take Ball so bad, just so his father can be shown all confused and angry on screen.
That terrifying redheaded writer is ordering a keg and KFC to the clubhouse as we speak.
No idea, why Price is so pissed off, but anyone who tells the Boston sports media to go shit in their collective hats is alright in my book.
And what’s with the 47 knowing nods/glances? Do you two really think you’re little miss badasses because some neighborhood girls looked at you when you drove past and a skateboarder elected not to run over a child on a bigwheel?
Who’s already sick of that stupid “black sheep” Nissan ad? That girl spilled paint all over the damn driveway. I’M NOT CLEANING THAT SHIT UP MISSY!
We’ve also long since passed Peak Tom Middleditch.
I like Kevin O’Connor’s NBA writing. And it’s a lot easier to find than Zach Lowe’s articles on ESPN.
Terrorist. Lets call him a terrorist because that’s what he is.
Looking at that top picture, Jdepp is starting to get the face he deserves.
Since we’re all laughing at this joke I might as well post this.