
Even incorporating the Endless Legend music in the trailer.

When should people move past this? My suggestion is never.

At least his wipers won’t stick to the windshield. #silverlining

Thirty minutes a game is not remotely “heavy.” Heavy is Thibs era Butler averaging over 38 minutes per game. Horford is playing the most minutes and even he is only 47th in the league. That’s light work for an NBA starter.

Whoah. That mustache is medically necessary.

His mix of scoring ability, efficiency, defense and general game intelligence for a 19 year old in their rookie year is bonkers.

It’ll be lost in the (fairly justifiable) bitching about Smart’s flopping, but that pass to Tatum for the dunk was fantastic, and Tatum’s cut was excellent too. Also he drops right down into a defensive stance as he lets go of the rim — solid awareness for a rookie. I can’t stress enough how enthusiastic I am about

As a Dallas-born Philly resident and former diehard Cowboys fan until that perpetually gaping asshole Jerry Jones signed Greg Hardy, I say: HAHAHAHAHA! Eat shit Cowboys! Jerry, I hope you get nothing but Depends for Christmas and that Dallas doesn’t win another playoff game until after you die (I also hope you die

I’ve noticed that articles about Overwatch as a game really make me want to play it, and articles about Overwatch players make me want to avoid it.

It baffles me that vanilla D1 had Heroic Strikes on day one. Then after years of community feedback, Bungie improved Strikes over time with exclusive loot, scoring and buffs. Three years later the sequel arrives with no Heroic Strikes; only to have them come back behind a DLC paywall- without any of the previous

This seems like what happens when monetizing the game is considered before gameplay itself.

At this point, they’re not mistakes. These things aren’t accidental. They need to be not only more accountable, but have more common sense.

No, but you should be angry at a beer maker that is specifically targeting alcoholics.

This kind of response could only come from someone who has never dealt with an addiction of their own—or either does not know any addicts, or has no empathy for them whatsoever because, “It’s easy for me, so it should be easy for you.”

If that’s your thought process, then I ask you: should things that are easy for

Yeah, what’s up with those addicts, unable to control their behavior? It’s almost like it’s a disease that they can’t easily control or something.

The only people that loot boxes etc... ‘prey’ on are those who are incapable of delaying their own gratification.

6 games, but it would be reduced to 4 if he rapes someone.

Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving dude than Matt Cooke. One of the worst

RIGHT?!?! It’s like I personally think flinging your dumps out the window in a bag is far more heinous than making a poop joke and copping up to the situation. As far as I know nobody can photosythesize their nutrients and excrete their waste in a polite raspberry scented mist.