
they’re whatever species snoo snoo is. i don’t know much about snoo snoo. wait, is snoo snoo a robot?

They seem about as Seeger as anyone can get.

Rex will be back on his feet in no time!

“We shoulda had more time.”

And what exactly would be “helping”? Treating them with respect? Nah, respect has to be earned not given.

She knew exactly what she was doing and what the potential outcomes were from flying commercial. Part of me thinks Bannon set this up so this exact incident would occur and everyone would feel sorry for lil Vanky.

I know i’m supposed to feel bad for Ivanka, but I can’t. Fuck her. Fuck her husband. They are going to make billions off the american taxpayer and have no shame or remorse or anything resembling human emotions. I might feel the slightest bit of pity for the kids, except then I remember they’re all fucking rich and

They cling to their guns and religion and we end up with a circus peanut for President.

I think there’s a Team Fortress 2 mod for hide & seek.. I haven’t played it, but if I remember correctly; one person is the seeker, while everyone else is disguised as a random object (or maybe they can choose) and picks a spot to hide in plain sight, before the seeker then hunts them down with limited ammo. It always

It’s a message about diversity.

“International Federation of Bodybuilding president Rafael Santonja”

Don’t you mean 6-Lucio Frogger mini-games?

I’m curious--what, exactly, do you find lacking?

The folks mocking the game? You’re going to get that anywhere you go—and while you might find it “classless,” I can suggest other, less Sisyphean pursuits than attempting to correct the various failings, foibles, and follies of Internet commentary relative to pop culture

Is he just supposed to drink water...Uh...from like the toilet?

It’s what plants crave

‘Washington Coach Pulls Out Dong...’, I’d say that’s more of a ‘dang’.

Instead of punishing him I heard that Goodell was going to take him to dinner.

Best. Pickup line. Ever.

If a player did this, columns would be written across the country and Goodell would suspend him two games. Four if he were black.