
Considering Marty doesn’t write for RACER... link?

“...they also seemed thrilled that it was going to a good home...”

So who bought it from you? ;-)  


T-shirt company is t-shirt company that does other things related to their brand. Film at 11.

Jalopnik test drive...?

I’m glad it was published *after* they wrecked another press car...

...but the failed attempt to put together an all-women Indy 500 effort would’ve been okay?

I’ve not made a change to my package since starting with DIRECTV in 2009. Whatever got me SPEED then gets me FS1&2, MAV, NBCSN, and CBSSN now.

It’s currently $9.99 on Steam for the PC version.

As was our day, and our seats in T4. :-D

Something glib and trollish to get people wringing their hands and talking about him, like usual?

Because you think the entire crowd is like this?

Like such a thing is plausible with our fearless hero...

Not quite as straightforward as just renting a damn car.

Road courses have been a part of NASCAR pretty much since the beginning. One could argue the Daytona Beach highway/beach course was more akin to a pared-down road course than an oval.

Don’t be obtuse, Davison presumably brings budget (I’ll be shocked if Always Evolving isn’t on the car in some capacity when I turn up for Carb Day) that Wilson presumably no longer has at his disposal this late into the month.

I’m glad I’m 40, so that this no longer​ sounds remotely interesting. 🤔😂🤓

Hitting hard with the original material, eh Leno?

Just showing up to a club date at a road course is serious YMMV territory. Check with the track before you go. Until the last few years, you couldn’t show up to Mid-Ohio as a civilian to at least SCCA events, and expect to get into an event.

He intentionally dumped Prost at Suzuka, he admitted as much later. Part of his teaching a generation of drivers, Schumacher included, that dangerous racecraft was acceptable, which always tempered his genius for me.