
Why would you want The Glen to be neutered into another antiseptic Tilkedrome?

Article: Talk about rear of cars.

They haven’t been “stock” for roughly 50 of their 70 years, but keep peddling that myth.

And complain that the cars should be random colors, because it's not like they're specific colors for sponsorship reasons or anything...

My work here is done.

Jenna Fryer’s needle: still not moved.

I believe Mario has a class win at Le Mans as an almost...?

Speed Duel is a great read!

So now Project Brabham is a me-too “track day” hypercar project? Alrighty then...

So like basically any show based on sketches or bits?

An extra 10 minutes for even more time spent under yellow!

Except the MTOD interface on Amazon devices (I frequently travel with a Fire tablet and stick) manages to be even worse than the MTOD apps and site.

Fast forward to an Alanis screed after one of them says something mildly inappropriate while “off-air.”

Must have old tires. *snerk*

“The whole thing was a shitshow.”

Looked up the book on Amazon, copies starting at $288! 😲

No, painting/wrapping everything in Gulf colors is played out. 😉

Good old Jalopnik deliberate contrarianism...

Can you imagine the sevens of those they would sell in this market...? a world where front grip is of no importance. 😉