don juans reckless daughter

This story made me giggle. I can perfectly picture that little monster's face once he realized you were the parent of the little girl he'd been torturing all night long. You sound like an awesome mom.

It's seriously my biggest pet peeve. I come from generations of farmers, have a degree in animal science, and currently am working on a MS in a similar field. I completely agree that we should move towards using less pesticides, fertilizers, and antibiotics but when people like this commenter who clearly have no idea

Dude, first about 15 years ago most (at least in the Southeastern US) grocery stores banded together and refused to buy milk containing rBST due to consumer outrage so your special snowflake children aren't drinking amplified levels of hormones. Furthermore, there was a peer-reviewed article published in the Journal

Truth. I remember being devastated around the age of 5 when the older kids at my daycare decided to tell the rest of us Santa wasn't real. My mom swears they rectified the situation with a showing of Miracle on 34th Street but I think it had more to do with her proclamation of "If you don't believe, you don't

Eh, for what it's worth my brother and I are a little over 2 years apart and fought constantly until I was about 16 and he was 14 and now we're roommates (I'm in grad school, he's a senior in college) and close friends. I think it really depends on personality. I saw similar relationships between sisters who were

Ahh I'm an ass. I just looked at your commenting history. Not a trolly burner it appears.

I'm apprehensive now. Are you a trolly burner?

Ahh I sent the wrong link. I promise there is a lively club going. I'll try to send you the better one if you truly want it and aren't snarking just to snark?

Hey! A bunch of Jezebel commenters have a book club at GoodReads going already if you'd prefer to read books and then have an actual equalitarian discussion about a book!

This reply is a thing of beauty.

I'm a UGA grad student and the only sport here I care about are the Gym Dogs. I got here during Kupets' junior year when they were still the team to beat. We miss Yoculan so much around here!

Sooooooo why did you guys seem to unload a number of nasty little articles yesterday when comments were down? I understand being frustrated sometimes but if you're going to act like an asshole at least have the ovaries to do it where people can respond. It makes you guys look like sad little teenagers otherwise.

Haha no that attitude is strictly reserved for the ladies of Jezebel!

The only thing Aubrey O'Day is suffering from is delusion. I watched one episode of Celebrity Apprentice and girl seems to have Cher level of diva attitude and zero level of actual celebrity attributes.

I would think it would actually be less likely, considering most elite schools do extra background and reference checking. However, now due to the increase of jobless people, even public schools now have the ability to be choosier with whom they select. Hopefully that means better teachers for all schools now.

I had to do the same thing a couple of weeks ago. I felt so nervous sending it to my boss to sign but in the end he took it exactly as I wrote it and said he couldn't have said it better himself. If your recommender didn't think highly of you already he/she wouldn't ask you to do it.

I absolutely love your breakdown of my comments and I completely agree about Germany. They're a beautiful team to watch but I'm pulling for an Italian or Spanish win! So hearted in return.

Try to go home as little as possible. Find an interest you have and join your university's club about it and get involved. Don't drink too, too much and go to class. Seriously, go to class!

I think you're exactly right. I know that when I feel at my nastiest towards another person it is truly because I'm feeling self-conscious about something within my self and there is a little voice in my head that believes that in bringing someone down will make me feel less poorly about myself. That is untrue of

Haha oh you've already got me intrigued. I'm going to have to watch it. Fortunately my level of taste is extremely low brow so I'm sure I'll enjoy it. Thanks for the tip!