don juans reckless daughter

You are not alone. I do admit to loving Elf beyond reason but other than that I really just do not get it.

You've already passed my father's potential boyfriend test. It's a classic. I bring boys home and he cooks steak. If they ask for it cooked past medium, he is instantly suspicious. If they ask for steak sauce, they are dead to him. You get to be my boyfriend!! I'm really emotionally unavailable and have a work related

That's exactly it! I have no problem with dating an older man, I actually like my men with a little age on them. I do have a huge problem with this weird difference in power that these men are proposing. I mean basically all they want is for me to sit pretty with wide eyes telling them how fascinating they are while I

Listen, I'm a grad student. I'm not above being swayed by a fancy dinner! These two men have both been pretentious windbags. Both talked AT me about their lives, accomplishments, etc... and only asked me questions to be able to further what they wanted to say. The first one straight up asked me if he could be my sugar

Now playing

Oh dear Jezebel. It has been thirty minutes and two glasses of wine since my last post and I would love to apologize for the large amount of fucks I used in my last post. The wine has made me see the error of my ways (of using the fucks, not the sugar daddies). I love you all.

I'm sure there are much worse problems to have than multiple men asking to pay for all your materialistic whims (and believe me, I've got a lot) but it's soooo creepy. I'm gonna get this shit down soon. ;)

I'm sorry. This made me giggle. You have officially trumped my story!

Ooo baby you've come to the right place. I can cook you a fantastic steak and I'll only make you pay for it in pictures of The Bean!

I have officially been propositioned by the second man two decades my senior in two weeks. This one at least managed to not come out and ask if I was interested in a sugar daddy but still. First, who the fuck approaches a person working in a coffee shop at 10:30 on a Saturday night and actually thinks she's interested

I went to a Tom Petty concert in high school and she came on stage and sang this! I'm only kind of ashamed that both my mother and I cried like girls at a Beatles concert when she came out.

Can anyone direct me towards some kind of CV/resume guide for grad students? I'm applying for a fellowship but lost my old CV due to a hard drive crash and I can't remember what the hell to do. My Google skills are pathetic and I'm lost!

You do. But that shouldn't be a problem because I'm approving you now. You can also post your issue here because it might get more views right here at the moment.

Now I don't know about Sprite but I know when I lived in Spain they liked to mix red wine with soda water or red wine and coke. You could buy them as premade mixed drinks in grocery stores or at any bar. You're just European. ;)

Those eyelashes are fucking gorgeous. Not really understanding the snark or the paranoia over trolling for pageviews.

Ahh! I'd almost forgotten! I must now resume the practice of riding that fine line of being a virgin and a whore. One of these days I'll get it!

Yeah, I'm not super concerned with the article. Jezebel sometimes does have a tendency with overreact and the article itself seems to be really well meaning. It's more of some of the commentary that has come after the article itself.

I don't really see anywhere where she's slutshamed anyone. From her interview it sounds like her decision was based more on what sounds like her reaction to her mother's dysfunctional relationship with her father and not even the fact that she's a devout Christian. Like I said above, it doesn't seem at all that she's

Is there such a thing as prudeshaming? If so, some of these comments swing dangerously into that territory.

It was already gray. I thought I was in the clear. I apologize!

And I have always wondered how people with such tiny, tiny, close minded brains make their way onto Jezebel and post hateful bile. And yet, here we are. Your attempt at logic is adorable but I'm afraid you are out of your league. Run on home now!