don juans reckless daughter

Girrrrrl call her out. I had pretty intense acid reflux for a while on top of playing collegiate soccer in 100 degree weather. Needless to say I lost a bit of weight on my already thin frame and a jealous teammate saw an opportunity to get her starting spot back by telling our university's mental health department

This may make me a bad feminist but I have a very close group of guy friends and I love going out with them because I feel so taken care of.

Everyone needs a person like your friend in their lives. My mom is that person for me. I've had some weird stomach/gynecological issues and we have weirded out many a doctor by laughing at each so hard until we cry in a few exam rooms. You should def drag him along to wait with you in waiting rooms! I hope you get

I want to make a move to appropriate "white trash" and "redneck". When meeting Notherners I like to tell my most horrifyingly Southern stories and then proudly proclaim myself to be white trash.

I don't hate Toms and I don't hate the creators of this video. I do hate the fact that both charities provide us with a tool to let us sit around and feel righteous. The "day without shoes" campaign made me want to vomit. Instead of walking barefoot to class to show that you are spend that day's "luxury money" (beer,

Yesterday was our state's primary and my dad called me to check in as he was leaving his voting precinct. While we were chatting he told me that his voting stance was "ABO" aka "anyone but Obama". It's so incredibly frustrating because I can read these words and hear him say the exact same thing and to know that he's

Oh I have no problem with NGO's trying to raise awareness in order to raise funds. I have a HUGE problem with self-righteous facebook friends acting like they're saving the world by posting a video to their feed.

I feel about this Kony video the exact same way I feel about Toms. It's a great way for Americans to feel good about themselves without actually doing a damn thing.

Now playing

Somehow my brain has concocted this fantasy that Lenny Kravitz has the exact same personality as Cinna and now I can't watch this music video without thinking that this is what Cinna does when he isn't being a Hunger Games stylist.

Oh this is already starting out great. Loving the Lohan's ability to poke fun at herself.

EndNote is the best thing that has ever happened to me! It's a software program that will find papers for you based on authors, subjects, journals, etc... and you can move your papers into a library on this program and use EndNote to insert citations for you. It's free at my university on my work computer so maybe it

With the one that I've used you start taking one a week 1-2 weeks before you go and continue taking them once a week for like 2-4 weeks after you get back. Pretty easy as far as antibiotics go.

I've never been to India but I've hung out for extended periods of time in malaria-ridden areas of South America and if you get a prescription pre-trip for some malaria meds from your doctor. They have some weird side effects (I had some crazy dreams) but for the most part they're just fine. Have fun!

I may or may not have just laid on the couch for 5-6 hours reading The Hunger Games in its entirety. I just wanted to have it finished before the movie came out but once again my lack of self-control wins!

If your son is in public school contact the school system's Special Education coordinator. My mother is a coordinator for our hometown and they provide free testing and can then give you options (i.e. therapy or things you can do with him at home). Also, it may be helpful to have someone in his corner at his school.

That happens in Savannah too! And I'm not going to lie, I've always kind of wanted to do it. The top of the hearse is cut off and people ride in it convertible style while seeing all these historic places in Savannah. The difference is these are ghost stories about pirates, not victims of a serial killer.

Your last sentence makes me feel so much better about myself. I dated an emotional abuser for two years before getting the hell out. It's been years since we've broken up and I still have nightmares of him killing himself or kidnapping me. However ALWAYS when people I don't know well bring him up I act fine and say I

I'm not disagreeing with the statement or implying that it is in any way untrue but I'd love to see the literature that about abortion being 10 and then 100 times safer than childbirth. It's a strong assertion and one that I think would fare better with a citation.

Thank you! As a southerner these are my people and while its a definite love/hate relationship they always can provide some laughs!

Why thank you. :) I knew my backwoods upbringing would come in handy one of these days!