don juans reckless daughter

You know what else Southern Baptist, Nascar loving, redneck folks love? Guns.

Yes! It really is "celebrities are just like us"! I think I am the foxiest thing that has ever happened to our college town when I'm drunk when really I'm just a hot mess clomping around in uncomfortable shoes making sexy eyes and any and everything.

I'm not Katie but if your little old lady future is super similar to my little old lady future I call dibs on you or your best friend as a future roommate in my assisted living home!

I'm not a very big Gaga fan but those pictures were amazing. I forget how pretty she is underneath all that pomp and circumstance.

Oh Lord you are so right. We have a Great Dane and, while walks (with her humans) are her favorite thing in the world, she wants to be inside as often as possible. I think its a bigger dog thing. I know that terriers and smaller breeds not a lot more stimuli but our Dane just needs a bed and a few hours hanging out

I want so badly to grow up and become a Dr. Ruth type grandmother. My grandmothers were wonderful Southern lady farm wives who taught me the ins and outs of sewing, southern cooking, and farm life but also were firm believers in preserving virginity and purity until a man could come take care of you. I want to take

I'm so with you. I think if we all let our freak flags fly just a little bit prouder, we'd be a happier group of people.

Way to show how righteous you are by condemning someone else's comment without being able to provide ANYTHING of worth or substance. Congratulations, you are the best feminist evarrrr but I'm Ron Burgundy still was able to write a comment promoting discussion while you only were able to write something inflammatory

Thank you! I'll definitely look it up!

My CV is pretty strong thanks to the MS program I'm currently in and I should have my name on a couple of high impact papers by the time I'd actually apply. My SO did an Erasmus at LIFE University a few years ago and is just completely in love with Denmark. I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle the cold though!

I think you're totally within reason to address this with him. I've found that when bringing up topics that may be sensitive in nature it helps to say things like "when you do this, it makes me feel..." and make it revolve around your feelings instead of focusing on his "wrongdoing" which might make him more willing

Ahh thank you! I was so confused the first time I saw Rocky Horror Picture Show because I found Tim Curry SO sexy. I'm glad I'm not alone in my fetishy predilections.

My significant other is Italian but I don't want to live in Italy. I speak Spanish and lived in Spain for a bit but I would prefer a program in Northern Europe like Denmark or the Netherlands. Definitely the UK would be a plus because of that whole native English speaker thing. ;)

So I've got a year and some change left in my master's program and have already started thinking about Ph.D's in other places. I've been doing the long distance thing with a man I realize now that I cannot live without so I'm thinking about applying for a Ph.D in Europe somewhere (where he currently lives). Does

I am so so sorry. I adore my father and would be so torn up right now. I do know from the way you talk about him that you shouldn't feel guilty. As a father I'm sure he understood the stress and trials you were going through while dealing with infertility and he wouldn't want you to feel badly about not being able to

A friend of mine and I are in a FB war of ginger memes vs. misogynistic memes. He flames my wall with silly memes about women in the kitchen and I actually used this pic on his the other day! Unfortunately, in a cruel twist of irony, my hairdresser dyed my hair almost the same color as his so I no longer have any

My mother had her gallbladder removed (without the pancreatitis so she was in and out of the hospital within a day) and I hated being almost 4 hours away from her. My father is very well-meaning but can be almost worse than normal when acting as a nurse. She recovered quickly and was finally able to eat and enjoy food

Rudeness to waitresses or being an abysmal tipper. If you get some sense of satisfaction treating people in a service industry like shit we will never get along.

I want Rihanna's red hair SO badly!! I know I'm a pasty white girl and that color would not make the the Ariel I apparently so desperately want to be but hey, a girl can dream!

Okay Jezzies, let's discuss siblings! Any of you gals have siblings that you otherwise adore except for one or two traits that make you think maybe Cain was just a little misunderstood?