don juans reckless daughter

Welcome to acid reflux! The first time I got those spasms you are talking about I was 14 at soccer camp and POSITIVE I was having a heart attack. Prevacid or a 2 week cycle of Prilosec OTC should quell those symptoms for you. Also, I can outburp any male in my family. However, that's a symptom that I don't mind if it

Haha. Maybe I should be careful what I wish for! I don't know what I would do with a D cup after so many years flying free!

I completely agree. :) I'm desperate at the end of the day to get my bra off if I do wear one so I can't imagine having to wear one all the time for support reasons!

It does give me hope that I might naturally add a little something extra to my chest in the future! I think there are pros and cons to all sizes! My C cup former roommates had super sexy cleavage but were extremely self-conscious about showing it off and never dreamed about leaving the house without a bra on so it's

Thanks. :) Luckily I have a boyfriend that falls into the same category as you.

Yeah, in an ideal world I'd be in the B range but after having roommates with high C's I appreciate the fact that I can get away with a lot more in the way of low cut dresses and tops and not feel like I'm putting it all out there at work.

I'm 23 (so it's looking like the girls are done growing) and oscillate between barely fitting a 32a and maybe fitting a 34a. I'm not particularly bothered by it because I wear a bra maybe twice a week and that's only so I'm not indecently displaying my nipples. But I would be lying if I said I haven't cruised plastic

Yeah I do agree that the fact that an actual Congressman is saying this publicly versus anonymous internet commenters playing a game of FMK is definitely more extreme. I just find think that if the writers are going to continue to write articles criticizing people who make statements like the one above they should

Hey remember that time we played a game discussing which son of another politician we would kill?

Not going to lie... I still listen to Nothing In This World and Stars are Blind. Nothing In This World is total dance in your underwear scream along into your hairbrush worthy.

A little bit off-topicish but our trivia team's name last night was "Santorum is Going Up and Down the Polls". We got our asses kicked but we were the only team to get creativity props from the host! It's the small victories really.

He can revere and respect me anytime!

I can handle her mouth tic so much better than Emily's "omg everyone look at how cute I am" facial expressions. She would make the most ridiculous sad faces at rose ceremonies or whenever she looked at Courtney that I think I might have audibly cheered when he voted her off.

A friend of my mother's had finally worked up the strength to leave her abusive marriage and moved into a home next door to who she considers her soulmate about 2 years ago. They fell in love and started coming to my parent's Sunday School class maybe 6 months ago and he joined the church. Then 4 months later, he

Oh my God it took me months to figure out that it was Doxycycline that was giving me the most intense throat/esophagus pain of my life. I've had pretty severe acid reflux my whole life and the burn that came from Doxycycline was so much worse. I've felt your pain!

I had to seriously restrain myself from throwing the remote into the TV after he said that since her boyfriend didn't own an airplane he wouldn't last.

I got my Bachelor's in Animal Science and seriously took one math class (other than general chemistries) the whole time! I don't work closely with animals now in my graduate program but I LOVED my time as an undergrad. Almost all of my electives were outside with animals (dairy cows in my case). The science aspect of

I don't really have anything to say other than you sound like a good friend. I hope his grandfather and family can find peace soon.

You and my dad would get along really well then! He currently cooks hot dogs and smothers them in cheese before stirring them into a mix of wet and dry dog food every night to ensure that she will eat at least one bowl of food a day every day. It may feel crazy to worry over our little 4 legged friends but for the

How exciting! Congratulations!!