don juans reckless daughter

I'm in the process of getting ready to move across the country and I'm home for the week. I just read that Matt Damon quote out loud to my dad because as well as knowing all the Disney movie princesses he very proudly played that amazing board game Pretty, Pretty Princess with me. Reading that quote and bringing up

Off topic but I want to learn how to quilt SO badly! Do you do the piecing and send it off to be quilted or do you do the actual quilting as well? How did you get started?? My grandmothers both quilted but haven't for about 10 years and I'd like to figure out the modern quilting world!

As someone who works in stem cell research it is off the ground! I promise!

I was exactly the same as you. Good at vocab, so-so at math. The one tip that super helped me is instead of trying to work the math problems out, plug the answers into the equations. Or, if it is an "x and y" type question plug in like a 1 and a 2. There were a surprising amount of questions that could be answered

I don't know if this makes me naive or unpopular or just silly but I honestly believe in the power of prayer. Twitter is incredibly narcissistic but how many of us haven't posted at least one self-serving or smug Facebook/Twitter post? I agree that hopefully all of these people, who arguably have the means and time to

Oh my God I completely agree. There are so many dirty things I would like to do to that man.

Something incredibly similar happened to me last night. A (drunk) male mutual friend of my friends yelled "Title IX sucks!" randomly. As a female student athlete I found this interesting to say the least so I turned around and said "Title IX what?" I knew I was going to be perceived as a bitch so I tried to be as nice

Fridays are my favorite days exclusively because I always try out a new recipe. This week has been a shitshow in many different ways so comfort food was a necessity. I made chicken pot pie accompanied by a couple beers! So much happiness right now! I'm a sucker for chickpeas so I may have to try out your second recipe

I'm sorry. I understand the point you're trying to make but implying that calves (not baby cows) are deprived of milk so we can drink it all is ridiculous. For the first, on average, 3 days after birth a cow produces a special type of milk called colostrum. Calves are fed their OWN mother's milk until she produces the

I think it should also be noted that this girl's other two published articles are "In [sic]defence of The Jersey Shore" and "Banning Four Loko is no solution at all".

@Oleander: Another Jezzie recommended this book as well. I'm definitely going to check it out! Thank you!

@whiskeyshoes: Apparently I know how to pick them (or they pick me in this case) but I'm with you on the stalker ex. We went through all of this to the point of police intervention with an ex but since this guy hasn't hit me, or threatened me, or shown up in random places were I was apparently it's not the same. My

@ThereIsNoFluffy: You are amazing. I'm so blown away right now that my parents would side with him on this. I really think I might just read what you wrote verbatim to them.

@maillot jaune: Yeah that's why it's so tricky. We have so many similar friends that to start throwing down is just going to make people take sides and be awkward. I don't want any of that so firmly just making my case face to face seems to be the best option of keeping things civil. Thank you!

@LaComtesse: haha I know. It sounds so vain. I'm sorry. Also, thanks for being so awesome and repeatedly helping me out tonight. I've been really stressed about this and you and everyone else have been the only real help.

I posted earlier about this boy who has been sending me texts, flowers, etc... for a year professing his love for me for a year after I have firmly but nicely said no every time. He only communicates by text and I can't figure out how to make him stop. It's coming to a boiling point. He's my brother's best friend and

@takethecannoli: We are facebook twinsies then! I just have "Love" written under mine for the same reasons you chose "All you need is love" and I have no doubt that Catholic Christ probably could totally kick some Baptist Christ's ass. Mass is no joke!

@intelly: My absolute favorite was "Baptist Christ died for you and me!!!" I'm assuming there was an unfortunate grammatical error or else Methodist Christ has totally been stealing someone else's thunder for a few thousand years.