
Only Cooper's soul is in Dougie. His memories are in Cooper.

Am I the only one, that the more we see of Dark-Cooper, doesn't want Cooper to come back? It's not for the reasons you might think. I don't want the innocent, bright, trustworthy soul of Cooper to have to go through what Leland Palmer did when Bob left him. I don't want Cooper to have to remember the 25 years of rape

I love Lucy and Andy with all my heart.

I know! That was huge! Ben stayed good for 25 years!

"I am not your foot." and "It's a fucking morgue." and Matthew Lillard's performance in one hour of television is not coasting. I was beaming like Andy when he gets the chair color he wants at the end.

I agree. It's been done with every new technology ever it seems. From all the way back to taking fire from the gods to blood transfusions to robotics. There was probably someone who thought that moving into a cave to get out of the rain was a sacrilege.

So Bob is the result of nuclear bombs? If that's the case, it's super reductive and really boring. I guess it kind of ties into the nonsense belief that modernity=corruption that sometimes sneaks its way into the work of those prone to nostalgia. The evil that men do was, before the enlightenment, you know the

But you don't understand! Critics were expected to like this movie, so they have to disprove those expectations. It's the simple math of movie reviews. They were being edgy by liking Logan given that franchise's history, now they're being edgy not liking Guardians 2.

Watching fan reactions, I feel like we're getting these great gifts of fun, humanist, silly, wonderful stories, and no one appreciates them. I've had so much fun over the last decade watching this show (warts and all).

Yeah. Every shot she was in is worth 10 million a second. They would be stupid not to add her to Avengers 2 and whatever else they can get her in. God, those micro-expressions when she catches the hammer and draws her sword are amazing.

You have missed some good performances and some funny lines and that's it.

Nobody, no expert, no one that has spent their lives studying humans, knows what human nature is. Our dominant culture is dominant because of where it was located geographically when certain technologies were invented. Don't formulate opinions based on cynicism.

This was the perfect episode to remind us that all Hannibal is, is a much smarter than average Libertarian. His sole power is the assumption of empathy; the illusion that he's participating in civil society. People treated him like a full human being, and he took advantage of their assumption that he could comprehend

I get in trouble with the long pause thinking, 'How do I say this and make it feel real to the kid? and not like a blow-off 'of course, hon.'

This is why we need adamantium grafting to be real.

How do you invent an accent for a country that doesn't exist? They should have gone with straight up Russian, and forgot about it.

I've seen it. It's way better than the review. This review like many the others is caught up in Disney's making money, Marvel's being successful, and they're sick of it, and Joss Whedon's having people think he's smart and being above that. It's a simply delightful, funny, smart film. It's only flaw is that it has to

I think the main reason for this is for families. You just can't have your heroes slaughtering a bunch of people at the end of the movie and call it a win. And knocking people out and tying them down isn't that dramatic.

My take was that they cut off the rockets before it could build up the necessary speed. Also, smaller pieces spread over a large area will always do less damage. I think it was internally consistent in the reality of a film where hammers shoot lightning and blue scepters hold yellow apocalypse stones that give girls

Huh, Star Wars Prequels romance made me want to curl up like a dead cockroach.