
This is a case of the real world affecting the movie. Chris Hemsworth's wife had twins during filming, so he had to leave for a while. Thor was hilarious in this film. He easily had some of the biggest laughs.

Well, it's slower; so no dodging missiles. Also, I think if it gets beat up in a fight, and it's not ready to fight the hulk, that would make it pointless. It's got to cost an extra 9 figures to build over a regular suit.

The filler to me was the hulk-buster fight. It's one of the more nuanced family-dramas out there. It hits the same thing from so many angles. It's like a book of Haiku that every few poems has a picture of an explosion. It's a mess, but it isn't simple.

I think his wife had twins during filming.

I thought it was a delightful film. I would love to watch a longer version of it, at home, in my pajamas, pausing to eat, play with the cat, go to the bathroom. It was way too ambitious to meet Whedon's goal of a shorter film. I read a few interviews that alluded to character depth in characters that have like ten

Wow those people you are talking about seem really horrible. I can see why you are so angry with them. Whoever they are.

I'd watch a 3 1/2 hour movie at home because you can press pause, and go to bed then watch the rest the next day.

They should have bought bigger pants. Seriously, the film would breathe with 10 more minutes.

(spoilers) It defined her relationship to the mission. She got an out. She chose to do something that ended the possibility of getting away.

It's so tragic, the guy idolized Boyd for his freedom and power, and Boyd took it as an insult.

The voters. Democracy. He wants to take the country back from democracy.

But he also doesn't blindly follow authority. In other words, your kid is stupid.

I've seen him answer this question dozens and dozens of times; which means he's probably answered them hundreds of times. It's the press. None of them have watched the shows. None of them read any previous interviews. I have no idea how he doesn't rip people's heads off in frustration every time those two questions

It's just such a stupid idea. Sharing writers is not a reason to tell a story. Two characters being in the same room is not a reason to write a story. Also, it would positively ruin Sherlock. He could never work as a detective again, because rational inquiry is worthless in the world of Who unless you have Godlike

A Sherlock crossover is a horrible idea. I'm glad he's withholding that. They ask these questions in every single interview. It's like every single member of the press that interviews him never watched the show, or read a single interview. That being said, he's got a bit of sadism to him. Most writers do.

Give you guys (the writers, actors and fans) a hint: Jaime and Cersei have a safe-word. 'No' isn't it. 'This is wrong' isn't it either.

My guess is that he shot them with a silenced gun through the frosted glass door, then dragged them in to have his way with them.

It's because Marty Hart always has a wad of chew tucked under his front lip. It's a Country thing.

If a planet is close enough to a black hole, tidal forces will rip it apart. As in the difference between the gravitational force applied to the side of the planet facing the black hole, and the far side is greater than material strength of whatever the planet is made of. The facing side would orbit faster than the

I love that Boyd's financial problems and trouble with the local power elite is a direct result of Raylan putting Nicky in control of the Detroit Mob..