
You're delusional, no one is crediting Wilson with this win. Chill out.

Somewhere in the Northwest, Ben Gibbard is writing a bummer of a song about this...but he was gonna write a bummer of a song anyway, he just has a topic now.

If you turn the sound up and get really close to the TV you can actually hear Winston slipping to the Jets at #6.

Just don't forget about all those selfish college athletes who want to ruin the entire experience by demanding some form of compensation, and were they to be paid, would obviously bring the whole system crashing down. Jimbo's going to have to lay some law down on those kids, teach them that the glory of the game is

Step One: Call Torchy's, put in to-go order.

Ben Roethlisberger

This is like burning down a state forest and planting a shrub.

Palmer: "Doctor, will I get my mobility back?"
Doctor: "You'll actually be more mobile than you were before. Check it out..."
Doctor: [hands Palmer keys to a brand new rascal scooter]

Please give credit to Reddit user /u/jewishdoggy

The Patriots are the biggest frat in the country

You're a moron.

You missed one.

You know who else loved a boys and girls club? Jeffery Dahmer.

Fuck you.

Someones never seen Top Gun

This isn't any different from mainstream outlets. AP write-thrus work the same way, give or take a "holy shit."

He sat next to me at a screening of The Bourne Ultimatum and told bad jokes the whole time. Every time Jason Bourne would kill somebody he go "psssssssh! Got 'em!" Then he dropped his cellphone and I had to watch him try to move his large professional athlete body around in the tiny space of a movie theater seat