
Conservatives believing literally any stupid shit.

Ya’ll scared of the beyhive? Prince is #1 and it’s not close. 

he’s jew-ish

Sometimes a commenter on here says something which lets you know that you can freely ignore everything they say for the rest of time. Thanks for letting us know early!

10. Grand Theft Auto V

You sound like someone who yells at waiters

I was 14 when we last wrote that. Feels like it’s time to reignite the discussion.

Valderrama is 12 years Lovato’s junior.”

a good pilot doesnt crash

If the current price I’m paying becomes the ad model, I’m out for good.

This is so incredibly stupid... and I’m not a fan of these vehicles at all. At the least if you’re going to confiscate these things, make it so you can resell them out of state and use the money towards something useful, like NYC education or building green spaces in NYC. Destroying perfectly good materials is just a

you’re wrong you’re simply so wrong

you’re wrong you’re simply so wrong

It’s not surprising you would think that. After all, you shit the bed pretty much every time you post on here!

When you are trapped on a plane, it’s not “talking to someone”. It was clearly continued harassment. Watch the video, it wasn’t just talking, the douche bro deserved it entirely.

Step 1: Stay home and watch it on TV.

Actually, this is a list of 20 cities that no one should want to live in.

Wow. I’m not into Depp or Heard but this post is really irresponsible. Isn’t Heard buddies with noted perv James Franco? She also dated Elon Musk so is she anti-Semitic and racist now? While I 100% believe Manson is as guilty as they come, we know that serial predators like Manson and R Kelly are terrifyingly good at

Good for Sandy. I hope someday in the distant future she and Cameron Diaz will make a Grumpy Old Men style romcom.

It’s just a shame David Tracy has left.