You misspelled California.
You misspelled California.
I thought the Redskins issue had two sides to it until I saw a picture of this guy. He's clearly the poster boy for Indian racism in America. Chief Wahoo and the Redskins gotta go.
Opinions, moron.
Schaffer wasn't even supposed to be there today.
Makes sense, the story was the good part about the game. All the rest was just a mediocre linear corridor shooter. I just hope they won't redo the story of the game because there wouldn't be any point in doing a movie then.
Said no one ever.
Are you kidding? She's 22 but looks like a 35 yr old waitress at Chili's.
Shut up, idiot.
Of course Leno welshed.
As a Seahawks fan, I can assure you that this game has been exceedingly enjoyable.
Please send the inevitable poop story to Drew Magary under the header "MEAT QUAKE".
"You guys were so close! How could you blow it so badly, so close to the end!"
[all point to guy in Hasselbeck jersey]
Other reasons why Aaron is kept separate from the other inmates:
It's nice when you can go somewhere and not have the most unfortunate tattoos.
Matthew McConaughey is crushing everything he touches lately.
Seems to me that he was trying to get a rise out of someone, waiting for the right asshole to take his bait, so he could upload this video and let the media have yet another "Philly fans suck" story.
The Packers—the Packers!—still have 7,500 seats remaining