
Time to become a mole person again.

The crazy thing is this could have gone so much worse.

the most 80s thing ever. I remember seeing the Nintendo for the first time. A friend invited me over after school to play. I was absolutely mesmerized. I didn’t bother to go home. I missed karate lessons. I just kept playing Super Mario Bros. My parents were freaking out because they didn’t know where I was. got

I mean, they drive a Pontiac Fiero into space.

That looks like a prop car from a really low budget 1980's movie that’s set in the future.

It looks like E.T. dressed up as a woman.

They’re trolling everyone. If you buy this I have serious questions for you.

Meh. I’ll just watch Commando again.

not trying to be a dick, but when they dress like a real life barbie doll, why do we have to go along with it?  Ever since I’ve heard about this person it seems like the most bizarre attention grab.

About a decade ago I was in Costa Rica with a friend. We were driving a rented SUV to some town I can’t remember. I was the driver, he was the navigator yelling out directions from the GPS. He kept on yelling out random left and rights that didn’t make any sense, but if you’ve been to Costa Rica, the roads are kinda

sounds like freshman year of college.

the whole Apu thing is damn ridiculous.


the true hero

Are they tiny or is the guy riding it huge?

Defector should make a car site

honestly, I’m sick of debating this shit. It’s been over a year and at this point you have decided to get with the program or not. All I know if I’m gonna get my damn shot and do what I can. I’ll continue wearing my stupid mask until Fauci tells me its ok. But we’ve pretty much collectively decided that we’re going to

Beef jerky 100%.

Great article. I’ve heard this referenced in a couple old punk songs but never bothered to look it up. Also, the Oki Dog sounds disgusting. or at least the kind of thing you would make when drunk and desperate, not be the featured item on a menu!

I’m officially too old for this shit.