
“I respect your view,” the politician said, “patting Mr. Kierstead on the shoulder and starting to walk away.”

You know, the only people who have it worse off than white people in this country are rich white people.

I could be Albert Einstein and they would discredit me as a horrible scientist. It doesn’t matter.

Candy is now going to tell a new story about the nice lesbian couple they met in New Hampshire, and how she and Ben managed to help you see the error of your ways by taking you out for ice cream and a long chat.

Well, this deserves Stephen Colbert’s dress-down to Mika B. from 5 years ago. As relevant today as it was back then:

Sometimes when I wipe there’ll be just SO MUCH on the paper. So much. Then I wipe again and again. Sometimes I forget to wash afterward. Still though, I always think to myself with a subtle pursing of the lips as I leave the toilet, “Nailed it.” Anywho, how about all these lawyers on Gawker? Is the Nordstrom website

We have come a long, long way from Cicero’s Catiline Orations and Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.

The power of fresh lemons. And Ping-Pong.

I really like the way you characterized the volvo as not a luxury car but instead a really well made regular car. I'm very excited to see what volvo does in the future. It seems like Volvo and Mazda are two of the hardest working auto makers with some of the coolest products.

I bet the worst part of her day is when she has to press #1 for English and that the ATM has options for other languages. Can you imagine how much of a burden this puts on her? BTW, while in Mexico I frequently had the option to press #2 for English and the ATM’s there usually had English as an option...

Oh, good old Macaca Man! HIS career sure took off like a rocket after that, didn’t it? I’d totally forgotten him. For some reason I had it fixed in my mind that the Macaca gaffe was by Herman Cain (that other paragon of respect and decency), but that was Ubeki-beki-stan-stan.

Also he’s confusing China with a Panda Express in a key west mall food court. And they were asking him why he was insulting them because he had just yelled, “like I’d want to eat at a place featuring orange flavored panda meat!!” for no reason as he hurried to a Sbarros.

4-speed shift in a console? That thing truly is a Supercoupe.

Map Pockets. Somehow Map Pockets were deemed important enough to make it into the advert for this piece of shit. Wow.

This reminds me of when I was a kid and pushed down too hard on my HotWheels toys. The damn wheels would “splay” upwards and bow out at the bottom. I guess I had “stance” before stance was cool. Oh wait, it’s still not cool.

Agreed. White maybe the worst colour for showing the chrome bits

Oh... my... god..

So she studies history, so I’m presuming she’s a soldier in the Army of Northern Virginia headed into battle? After all, why would anyone else who is not A. a soldier, B. from Northern Virginia and C. going into battle possibly have this flag?

I’m *still* not convinced I could recognize Ben Carson on the street. Not unless he started whisper-mumbling at me.

This guy seems to be in the middle of a lot of crimes... car-jackings, armed robberies, stabbings, assault. I mean, after awhile, you have to look at the common denominator, you know?